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Not that all these fine cooks aren't meticulous,but some of us ,that are primarily comp cooks, can get pretty anal,about our results. Wink

Also,with 40 racks going,most of us are usually paying a moderate amount of attention.

I'd say, that after a couple cooks,you'll be able to make your own judgements,on your own experience.
Last edited by tom
Originally posted by sksmoker:
Well, seeing as that I will be competing with the FEC 100, I will keep track of your experiences and others here in this thread and forum.

There will be differences in how I do home and how I do contests. I've been on a roll on ribs last couple of years and it's not because I just put them in the smoker as described. I'm pretty specific about how I do mine.

Just ask anything down in the comp forum you want/need that way we know it's a comp question and we'll help out.
Once again,as Ribdog says,a good tight double wrap, in HD foil, is often used by comp teams,taking 4-6, eight-nine lb butts to the cambro, to hold ,to make our boxes.

Having worked with vendors,they may take the 8,10,12,16- ten pound butts,straight from the cooker to a Coleman 120 qt cooler.

They'll probably hold 6-8 hrs,and pull them out as needed.

Foil is an extra / ? expensive step that may not be needed.

They stop at the car wash and spray the racks,pans,cooler,etc,on the way home.

Hope this helps a little

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