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Nashville. Were going to the Couty Music Association, Fan Fair. I'm not a big country music fan but I have been told this is abig event in down town Nashville.

Timing worked out ok, and the money is very good. One of those were you know the comp is going to be more than tough. But you kind of dream what if.

Me and one other local FEC100 owner might team up and do a very local event, here in my home town. It is fund raiser for a local food bank. Really odd rules. Pro and Am. But to compete in Pro you must have a License to sell food. The best overall rib wins. But it only pays $100, entry $25. But here is the kicker. Both Pro and Am can enter the peoples choice for the best ribs in KIngsport. Now here comes the best part.

You will take up tickets from the public, and give each person one rib. The organizers will then pay you $.50 per ticket you turn back in to them. The people will then vote and the score of the people and the ribs scores from the judges will then be combined to select the winner.
You can boil the ribs and bring them there to be finished on site. How about that one???
They are going to limit the ticket sells to the public to 1500 people. Is that enough strings for a comp??

Extra points will be given to those who cook from scratch on site. Wow.


Just to give you a long range heds up. It looks like we might get a comp started here in North East Tennessee for 09. It would be Memorial Day weekend, at our local fair ground. A local Rotary club has taken the idea and is running with it. I have been told they have sent in a request and money I think to KCBS.

It is the weekend after Sevierville, Tenn.. Money should be pretty good. Maybe a long road trip, next year???


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