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I'm heading for my first smoke of a butt. I bought a cryo from Costco and put it in the freezer cuz I couldn't do it right away. They are frozen solid together. I have them thawing in the refrigerator right now.. but, I'm wondering.. after they are separated.. partially frozen (?) can the partially frozen one be re-frozen?

If I had experience with the butts.. I'd do both at once.. but.. I'd rather try one and see how it turns out before committing to the second.

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Rather than have the 2nd butt thaw and refreeze, I'd recommend smoking them both together. Keep in mind that after you cook the butts, they'll shrink in half. Plus, it's pretty tough to mess up a pork butt in the smoker, especially if you use an internal probe to keep track of the temp.
Thanks Studs.. I didn't receive an answer so I partially thawed.. split under water and vacuum packed the smaller butt.

I appreciate your answer and will certainly do that next time. I was just not sure enough about the 'recipe' to do both at once.

I made a rub of CS Rib Rub and mixed a bit of turbinado with it.. rubbed it in last nite. Tonight I re-applied the rub and made the SO's mop/basting sauce. I'll let the rub settle in for another 24 hours and start the smoking the beast tomorrow night. It's about an 8#er

Lookking forward to the experience.

First of all it is a killer cut of meat from an eating should really enjoy it. Secondly, you are familiar with cook times for a butt, they vary alot, and that is putting it mildly!! Also, all that talk about "plateau" believe it. When it gets somewhere around 170 it is just getting started. Mine stayed there 5.5 hours. Total cook time 24.5 hours, internal cook temp 199 degrees. Cooked entirely at 225. One more thing, it looks like you plan to "mop", this also will add more time to the cook. If I were to do another butt I would get a "bone in" butt because I think the heat of that bone helps in cooking the internal part of the butt better, plus it will probably taste better.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.
If you have to do this again, try microwaving the stuck-together meat for 1 minute. Then either whack it on a chopping block or try to pry it apart with something like a butter knife or strong spatula. If nothing happens it's possible to microwave a few more tries each for 1 minute before it gets too thawed. Usually all that's necessary is to soften up the ice crystals enough to break the pieces apart, and applying some prying pressure helps too.

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