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Hi, Ladies and Gents.

I have a cover for my almost brand new SM025 (catalogue/stock # PV031), less than two weeks old and honestly in like-new condition. Never rained/snowed on. 

Bought the stand for the smoker after a couple of inconvenient cooks--to much bending over for a scrawny old guy with a crummy low back. Works much better for me. Also bought a new full-length cover for the cooker/stand setup. So...

Will sell the shorter cover described above in original shipping packaging for ½ price ($66.15 x 0.5 => $33.00) plus priority mail postage. 

Any takers? My email is


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I guess CS doesn't care anymore about people hawking things on this forum. Back when it was well-moderated by Smokin' Okie, they used to disallow that. Now format is crap, they can't even fix that people can't read the dates on posts, and no one at CS cares. This is getting pathetic. The really experienced and thoughtful and helpful cooks are gone, and I won't be far behind.


Sorry you think I've transgressed. I dislike offending people and don't want to misstep.

I'm new here. From reading a number of posts on a number of topics, I figured that this is a venue for folks who use Cookshack smokers and related equipment and was aimed at helping each other in making the best products they can, as well as navigating the techniques and details of use. I see posts discussing problems with smokers and how to solve them and other such discussions that involve, say sausage stuffers. This is a club,  I gathered, for enthusiasts of Cookshack products. And of course, it's supported by the company.

In that vein, then, I didn't (and still don't) see anything wrong in offering a fellow user a good deal on a Cookshack product that I'd purchased (so I'm not undercutting the sponsor) and could no longer use. I don't see what I did as "hawking" something unrelated. What would you say if a forum member had a smaller Cookshack smoker and wanted to upgrade to a bigger, more capable model? Would that person be out of line to offer the little guy to colleagues?

Just askin'....


Sorry, no intent to denigrate or shame in any way. I have been on this forum long enough to remember when the CS explicit policy was that even offering used CS equipment was hurting their sales and wasn't allowed. Not a stated CS policy anymore.

That said, CS has abandoned any attempt at moderation or filtering of this forum, so far be it from me to object. I was, I guess, just being nostalgic for the old forum, the old familiar format, and the old familiar participants who happily shared experience, techniques, sources, wisdom, and joy in their BBQ journey, and pics! Again, no offense meant.

Last edited by jay1924


Fair enough. I won't do it again. 

I'm still happy to be here. As I've written elsewhere, I've got a fair amount of noncompetitive barbecue under my belt, but none with a proper electric smoker. I'm looking forward to learning the tricks and nuances of Cookshacks. So far, I'm very impressed with how nicely they work and the quality of the product. Best pulled pork I've ever made. Ditto brisket. No doubt a lot is in the prep, but the cooker plays a role.



Thanks for the response, and I appreciate your thought. As a 7+ year user of a CS SM-066 I would be very happy to share "tips and tricks" since I think that's the point here, as you stated. I'm only a home cook, but I've learned a lot about my CS cooker, and I don't think it's all that different from yours except for size, and I love mine. Looking forward to your posts. Just to stir the pot a bit, I'll say that I think it is mostly the cooking technique (time, wood, temp) that matters in good basic BBQ, not the prep. Just food for thought. Thanks again.

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