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Hi all, a new CS 055 owner here, first forum post, preparing for my 2nd smoke, and have apparently make a rookie mistake in selecting my product. I purchased a choice 2.7lb "trimmed flat" portion of brisket, thinking it would be easier/more straightforward, and thought it would suit my wife's tastes better (less fat, easier to cut/serve, etc.). After reading the forum entries, I see I should have gone with an untrimmed flat or packer, and fear have a difficult smoke ahead. Should I just freeze this puppy and start with something easier?

I fear this is also covered elsewhere, but trying to condense the basics for my situation is getting overwhelming. Trying to smoke it tomorrow.

Any basic suggestions for how to handle this cut/smoke differently, for example from the "Bricket 101" guide?

Thanks in advance, look forward to participating in the forum -- which by the way was clearly a selling point for getting the CS.

Merry Christmas.
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Well ,since you are at the home of our old friend Rick Salmon in the Golden Ghetto,I'll give it a shot.

Luckily ,you have selected the single worst product in bbq to do well,consistently.

Next time ,you are in an area where you can get all the choice/CAB packers you desire.

The rest of us would kill to have your selection.

Fear not,as you tread into the valley of doom-for Cookshack is at your side.

Season it up, with whatever brisket rub you have.

Use plenty,you can't hurt it.

I'd add a handful of brown sugar to the rub.

Set the CS on 250�,put a couple golfball sized chunks of whatever wood you have-don't measure.

I trust you have a remote thermometer probe to put in it,so you won't open the door.

When it hits 160�-165� internal ,take it out.

Put it on a couple layers of foil-heavy duty,if you have it.

Add about a 1/2 cup of beef broth/butter/margarine mixture and seal tightly .

Put back in the cooker,with the probe in the meat,and cook to no more than 190� internal.

Wrap in a large towel and set in a small dry cooler to rest a couple hours.

Slice across the grain,and pour the juices over it.

Assure the little woman ,that is the worst the Cookshack will ever produce ,and you promise not to do it again.

Have fun,don't worry.
Tom, many thanks for the reply. I knew someone would come to the rescue with encouraging words and a game plan for my hastily chosen product. Everything you noted sounds good, and I have everything on hand already, even the brown sugar based rub (love that ingredient), which I mixed up last weekend for my first smoke. Other posts for newbies have been helpful. The step of foiling it at a certain point (at what temperature, adding the broth/butter mixture, etc.), and letting it sit after cooking is what was not clear until reading your reply, so thanks. I will certainly let you know how it works out. Having a game plan is reassuring it will not be a waste of time ... I'm sure it will be good.

Quick followup question -- as far as resting, what is the purpose of that, and is two hours about enough time?
as far as resting, what is the purpose of that, and is two hours about enough time?
Picture your meat as a sponge. As you cook it, all the juice/moisture is being wrung out. When the meat "rests" out of the cooking environment it draws juices back in - to a certain point, thus a more juicy piece of meat. Two hours is plenty IMO but could go a little as 20 miinutes or as long as three to four hours.
It's not an absolute, but 30 min minimum is preferrable.

For resting (which is hard to do as you're waiting to eat) the key things are SIZE and temp.

For size, the larger it is, the longer it will hold the temp (like a heat sink). A steak only needs 10 min, a rib roast will be fine for hours and a brisket is somewhere in between.

For temp, the longer you hold it, the colder it will get, so the METHOD of holding is most important. Be it F*(), or an ice chest or what.
Thanks Wheelz and Smokin' for the replies, helps a bunch. Fired it off a few minutes ago will let you know how it turns out.

This is my 2nd foray into the world of smoking. Started a few years back with an offset firebox type smoker, experienced some good and some not so good results, got discouraged and took a few years off. A friend had a smoker similar to the CS, experienced consistently great results, so saved up the pennies now having a blast.

I'll say it again, love the forum. Thanks for taking time to help newbies, we appreciate it.
Hey, ALL of us were newbies. Some of us can't remember that far back, and when we do, we like to forgot. You know, for me, that was back when we rubbed to sticks together.

F*() is FOIL. Yeah I use it, but I always have to keep up my image. I use it to make rabbit ears for my TV. Line the bottom of the smoker. Cover pies to put in the fridge... Big Grin
Hi all, just wanted to let you know how it went, which was very well.

Followed Tom's suggestion to the "T", with one important exception. Pulled off the brisket at 161 degrees, added the butter broth, foiled, and back on the smoker. Dropped to 143 before climbing again. I then made the error of running some errands, and, when I called my wife 1.5 hours later to check the temp, it had risen to (gasp) 208. She then wrapped it up for a 1.5 hour rest.

It was very warm and tasty, although it dried out a bit after about 10-15 minutes at the table (due, I'm sure to going over 190). By then, only 1-2 servings remained as everyone, even the kids loved it.

I'll stay closer to home next time.

Also did burnt ends using some of last weekends brisket, which turned out fabulous.

Merry Christmas everyone ...

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