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Okay I have to brag, posted this over in the FE Contest forum "in case" you missed it:

Contest Post

Well, the monkey is off my back, FE can quit giving me a hard time.

Fathers day, in my home town with my kids there and lots of friends. Perfect day for some fun.

First year for a new comp here in OKC, the Centennial BBQ Championship. VERY small comp, and they didn't get it sanctioned Frowner

Won GC over a couple of KCBS experienced teams and a some local teams. Made a couple of grand to help pay for the trailer and the damage from last week.

Got 1st in Ribs (just missed 180 by a single 8) and 1st in Pork. 3rd in chicken and brisket. Won anything butt.

Wished I'd cooked this way in Memphis.

They're already submitting the paperwork for next year and I'll be working with them to improve things for the teams. They're trying to place the teams along the river in the shade trees. Could be a great start.

Whoooooooo Hooooooooo

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Sorry, no. I'm not worried about the normal forum people, but those that I compete against do watch all forums looking for ideas.

Too much competition in the competition business and since it's for prize money, don't really like to show them. Others will share, but they're the same typically. Since mine have some uniqueness to them, we don't typically share. My apologies.
Yes actually next year would be a good time to come.

Saturday they'll have a separate MIM style contest and Sunday it will be KCBS.

They learned their lesson this year not having it sanctioned.

We'll be back to "defend" our crown.

Oh and Ray, nothing like a 50 year old virgin finally losing it huh? Bet you thought I'd never get lucky Big Grin

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