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Well guys have have to tell you about this one. Other wise I might just sit here and blow up. Posted this on another site, and I'm still mad.

We did a People Choice rib comp today. We prepped 56 racks of spares. Staggered the cook time for every hour, with about 10 racks. The event was going to last from noon till 7:00.

Loaded the FEC500 for the fist 3 1/2 hours, then pulled and wrapped with foil and placed on my FEC100 for 2 hours, and then removed and finished for about 40 minutes in second FEC100.

Everything went great, team worked hard all day. Cookers were a ddream, everyone fell all over themselves going on about the ribs and the cookers.

All of the literature had said the peoples choice voting would end at 5:00. The promoter came around at 4:20 and said they would be making an announcment to let peole hurry to finish voting before 5:00. Well they never made the announcement. Andt 5:00 we ran out of ribs, then a short time later another team did the same, then another and then at 5:30 there was only one team left doing ribs, and they had a very long line. And people were still voting.

And they were voting for the only team with ribs.

Well when the anouncment came out that guy won the people choice. And there by the title of Best of the Tri-Cities. We had been beaten by 14 votes. And it had taken him an extra hour of serving by him self basically to do it. Along with the title went $500.
the last hour we served 200 ribs bones.

We alos had a turn in box, like KCBS, that was part of the comp. And we killed everyone on that. And that was suppost to be combined to come up with Peoples Choice title.

This one really has me going right now. We did everything right to win this one, but just had it taken away like that.
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Whatever Randy, you know your stuff sucks. Big Grin Wink

I would have played dirty pool anyway. I'd have brought a bunch of scouts to vote for me without even eating anything. hehehe.....

On a serious note, I'm sorry to hear it went this way. I know you were looking forward to this. I'm a very competitive person and I just despise it when my ability to compete is affected by the event(any event) organizers being complete slackasses.

Too bad I didn't come up your way. I'd have helped you bust some heads. Big Grin
If you look back to my earlier post,you'll see that I forecast this one.

That is the reason none of us cook these,unless we accept the fact we are there to pump out product and ,hopefully ,make a few bucks.

The "competition" is knowing how to play the game,to sell more/lower expenses than the guys that cook these each weekend.

Keep up the fine product and you'll enjoy those weekends that are actually comps. Frowner
Thanks guys.

I still really hot.

Kind of waiting till monday to light a few more fires.

Crony, you'll like this one the best. The guy who was running it and let the screw up happen inthe owner of the 12 Bones here. They came in last place in peoples choice.

Could have loaded up with scouts but at $25 a head. Rules out many kids.

The latest plan a buddy has is to get himinto the comp this week in Seveirville and let him get his but kick all the way around.

As high as he was flying after the awards he might get talked into it.

LOL! I need to tell those folks here at 12 bones that somebody has a restaurant with the same name that's making them look bad! Big Grin

Of course they're laid back folk with hippies in tow so I doubt they'd think anything about it. hehehe. Maybe put up a harshly worded flyer at at local tattoo parlor or art gallery. Wink

Sounds like the guy was crowing a bit after winning. Was he?

The two are conected some how?? I don't really know the whole story.

But 12 Bones came in last in the Peoples Choice. they had like 4 different flavors of sauces.

The other guy calls his place the Dream Pit. The flavors make me think more of a bad dream. And yep, he was crowing all right. Most of all his wife. I have tried everything they have to offer in the store. And thier brisket ws under done tough, and very little flavor. But another guy who cooks around here and competes, and owns a FEC100. He took what he termed as one of the best briskets he had ever done, out to this guy. He commented that it was good, but his wife just said well it's ok. But I like yours much better. She was going on about how good his ribs were, and everyone had agreeded.

I had to bite my tounge to keep from telling her it took them an extra hour, serving by themselves to get 14 more votes than I had gotten.

Last edited by Former Member
Randy -

Definitely sounds like you were robbed. I'm with you - try to talk them into Seveirville - see if they can hold their own Smiler

I haven't posted a whole lot on this forum - 'cause I'm still saving my pennies for an FEC100. This may be a stupid question - but do you have a restaurant in Kingsport? We pass right by it on the way to wife's sister about 20 miles down Hwy. 81. Let me know if you do - would love to stop in and try the food!
Not yet.

I do alot of things with scouts and I do fund raisers for people.

We did 400lbs of butts two weeks ago.

When I started looking at cookers that could do larger loads, the FEC500 won out in price and in the sleeping factor.

We will be in Nashville the first weekend of June and right now Maggie Valley in Sept. and Lenoir City in Oct.

Others if I can twist my brothers arm. If you make it to one of them, we'll feed you and let you see what you think.

Originally posted by RandyE:

The two are conected some how?? I don't really know the whole story.

But 12 Bones came in last in the Peoples Choice. they had like 4 different flavors of sauces.

The other guy calls his place the Dream Pit. The flavors make me think more of a bad dream. And yep, he was crowing all right. Most of all his wife. I have tried everything they have to offer in the store. And thier brisket ws under done tough, and very little flavor. But another guy who cooks around here and competes, and owns a FEC100. He took what he termed as one of the best briskets he had ever done, out to this guy. He commented that it was good, but his wife just said well it's ok. But I like yours much better. She was going on about how good his ribs were, and everyone had agreeded.

I had to bite my tounge to keep from telling her it took them an extra hour, serving by themselves to get 14 more votes than I had gotten.


LOL!! Well if they served the same sauces they have in Asheville I can see why!! I can't stand their sauces at all!

Were they're names Tom Montgomery and Sabra kelley? That's the folks I know. I took a look at the joint near you and it definitely has a franchise look to it. Same logo and chalk board, but completely different type joint.

Just checked online. Jeff Lane and Doug Beatty are the two associated with that place. Don't know them dudes.......sounds like I don't want to either!!! Big Grin Big Grin

I guess I need to ask Tom what their connection is as I thought they had just started working on their second store in Arden. Must be a franchise type of deal.
Yep, Doug is the one. After he screwed things up. He said well maybe you can help me next year. I really don't know BBQ, I do Beer festivals.

I won't be back unless I get set up with a vending licsence. That is what they called the pro division. We out scored everyone by alot for the box turnins. We got $100 and the pro got $250. For the same turnin boxes.

Oh, sauces. In the KPT store.

Mango Chippoltle, Blue Berry Chippoltle, Brown sugar, Apple and somehing with chippoltle.

I tried some the two nights before the comp. They had so much pepper, it left my lips buring for 15 minutes. Adn that was a 1/2 rack. The sauce wasn't hot. But they had put the powder on it heavy.

Sorry you had the bad experience.

We only do one people's choice and that's in our back yard. For others, since we only have a 2 person team, we'll cook for them, but we don't waste our time trying to server. The LOCAL team always seems to win, hmmmmm?

And it's disappointing when they change the rules like that. Next year, get with the other teams and boycott it. But... if a lot of public shows up and they're paying money, it's hard for the promoter NOT to extend the hours. It sucks, but in the end he's trying to take care of the public and make more $$$$

Or be ready to play their game.

You'll always have restaurants, caterers think their stuff is the best. We get people around here who just enter sauce so they can brag if they win.

Don't worry, win a few comps and sell after that and you're great food will surface above their mediocre stuff.
Thanks Okie,

Part of the problem was it was in our back yard.

The promoters were so tied up in making money. That they were still selling tickets at almost 6:00, at $25 a pop. All the except for one person, all the ribs were gone. And the bands were done playing for the evening.

I think I'll have to spin it our way and say "We were Judged Best of the Tri-Cities".

Thats what the box judges said. Oh Well.

Once again, you are whining to your buddies. The winner of the comp. did not change the rules. They participated under the same rules that you did, and won. If anything, you need to place the blame on the host of the event, and quit trying to slander the team that won. Also, don't claim title to "best judged", when the name of the comp. is "people's choice." Get over it.
To BBQ_Fan,

While I agree that the lion's share of the blame for the mishandling of the process should be shouldered by the organizer, there is also an element of ethics by all the teams involved with the People's Choice that they knew that voting was to end at 5 PM. As such, even though they still had ribs to sell, the voting boxes should have been pulled so no additional votes could be deposited. Then those teams still with product to sell could continue but without tainting the voting process.

And next time, feel free to put your name down instead of hiding behind a moniker. Your practice just continues the lack of ethics in the bbq world.

My lawyer points out that I must say that these are my own humble opinions.
To RibDog,

The host is the one to pull the voting boxes, not the competitor. RandyE didn't pull his voting box, he thought he was ahead. He thought he already knew the vote count.

I don't have a problem with saying that the competition was poorly run and unfair...that is obvious. My problem lies with RandyE blaming the winner. It was not his fault. He was in the exact same situation as everyone else, he just happened to win.
They participated under the same rules that you did, and won.

These are your words. I have a hard time understanding how they participated under the same rules if they continued to sell and takes votes after the time slated by the organizer to cease voting. Technicalities and ethics are two separate issues. But I guess that does not matter to you.
Originally posted by RibDog:
They participated under the same rules that you did, and won.

These are your words. I have a hard time understanding how they participated under the same rules if they continued to sell and takes votes after the time slated by the organizer to cease voting. Technicalities and ethics are two separate issues. But I guess that does not matter to you.

Right on. What's that old saying about integrity being like virginity?
You must be kidding????

Did all competitors stop serving at 5:00pm? No, they didn't. Other teams also continued to sell after 5:00pm. Eventually, they also ran out of ribs. Do I believe that Randy would have stopped serving at 5:00 if he had any ribs left? No, I don't.

Based upon some of the comments I have heard about retaliation from Randy and others on three different websites now, ethics and integrity don't seem to be an issue with Randy. He's only in it for the glory.

I was under the impression that he worked with the Boy Scouts. Obviously, he didn't remember the scouting phrase, "Be Prepared".
Originally posted by BBQ_FAN:
You must be kidding????

Did all competitors stop serving at 5:00pm? No, they didn't. Other teams also continued to sell after 5:00pm. Eventually, they also ran out of ribs. Do I believe that Randy would have stopped serving at 5:00 if he had any ribs left? No, I don't.

Based upon some of the comments I have heard about retaliation from Randy and others on three different websites now, ethics and integrity don't seem to be an issue with Randy. He's only in it for the glory.

I was under the impression that he worked with the Boy Scouts. Obviously, he didn't remember the scouting phrase, "Be Prepared".

Maybe you read my message incorrectly. I did not suggest that they stop serving at 5 PM. I only suggested that the right thing to do would have been for all teams participating in the People's Choice to pull the vote collection box so no additional votes could be taken. But if they if they still had product to sell, go ahead and sell it. That's all.
Originally posted by BBQ_FAN:

Please remember who actually started this forum topic... the sore loser.

I too have a problem when rules aren't followed. Like I said it has to do with integrity. Anyone who didn't stop when it was supposed to be over has an integrity problem.

By the way, are you the one who won? That might explain a lot of the animosity in your responses, (a guilt feeling on lack of integrity.)

Why am I back here?
That would have been great, but that would have taken a coordinated effort by all teams to spontaneously pull the voting boxes. I am sure that if that idea was presented to each team, they would have agreed to that being done.

However, that option was not presented. The event host is totally to blame for running a disorganized contest. If Randy didn't agree with the way things were headed, he should have spoken up at the time or behind the scenes along with the other competitors, maybe they would agree to a recount.

My problem is that he voiced his opinions in more than one public forum complaining about how he was cheated out of the grand prize, including defaming the event winner. The eventual winner did not cause this mess. Is Randy accusing the winner of purposely cheating? If you are going to blame the winner for continuing to provide food between 5:00 and 6:00, you should also blame the other teams that provided food between 5:00 and 6:00, and finally you should also blame the paying customers that continued to vote between 5:00 and 6:00.

One more thing. I have no connections to any teams involved in the event. I did not even attend the event. I heard about the contest results from a local newspaper forum on which Randy had posted comments. He has also posted these excuses for losing on two other websites.

That is the reason I initially posted on this forum. I cannot stand sanctimonious whiners that don't get their way. He needs to chalk this up as a lesson learned and drop it.
Originally posted by BBQ_FAN:
That would have been great, but that would have taken a coordinated effort by all teams to spontaneously pull the voting boxes. I am sure that if that idea was presented to each team, they would have agreed to that being done.

However, that option was not presented. The event host is totally to blame for running a disorganized contest. If Randy didn't agree with the way things were headed, he should have spoken up at the time or behind the scenes along with the other competitors, maybe they would agree to a recount.

My problem is that he voiced his opinions in more than one public forum complaining about how he was cheated out of the grand prize, including defaming the event winner. The eventual winner did not cause this mess. Is Randy accusing the winner of purposely cheating? If you are going to blame the winner for continuing to provide food between 5:00 and 6:00, you should also blame the other teams that provided food between 5:00 and 6:00, and finally you should also blame the paying customers that continued to vote between 5:00 and 6:00.

One more thing. I have no connections to any teams involved in the event. I did not even attend the event. I heard about the contest results from a local newspaper forum on which Randy had posted comments. He has also posted these excuses for losing on two other websites.

That is the reason I initially posted on this forum. I cannot stand sanctimonious whiners that don't get their way. He needs to chalk this up as a lesson learned and drop it.


I see you get around. First you send a pm on the Smoke Ring, now your over here stir more crap.

I've posted my name on every post on this site and on the Ring. But not you.

There was only one turn in box, the organizers had control of it. When the time was allowed to continue, the number of teams with meat went from 6 to 3 in 15 minutes. Then to 2 in an additional 5 minutes. Then only one for the last 35 minutes.

When you pay $25 to get into a rib event, only to find out that there is only one source for food left. Who would you vote for? It took the last team a full hour of serving alonee to pass our count.

Most people who take thier BBQ serious as you noted in your pm to me. Take cheating pretty serious. I was cheated in my opion. I had let it drop after my last post 10 days ago. But you are the one who started it back up.

This was not a last man standing event. This event had rules, this was for money. And the ribs you refer to as being sold were exchanged for tickets at a rate of .50 per ticket. My cost for the day was about .65 per bone, with all my costs involved. And I knew that I would loose over $100 on the day. I knew this was fund raiser for a local charity, and I knew I had no restarant to plug. If everyone had quite at 5:00 just because the voting was over, the Charity would have been screwed.

I don't know were you got the statement that I said the other team had done something wrong. Please quote that one for me. And please quote the retaliation part that you mentioned. Or are you talking about encouraging the guy to enter into another comp. Oh yeh that's real retaliation. Most of the guys whohave posted on the thread are competition cooks, and they understand what I felt like after the event. But you don't

You stated that Crony had inhaled too much smoke. Maybe you need to get out sniff some for yourself. Then you might understand what everyone else on here already understand.

And to the Sore Loser. Yep your right I hate being cheated and having things taken form me.

Maybe in the future, when someone doesn't give you the correct amount of change. Or maybe the bank takes too much money out your account. You'll just smile and go right along without saying anything.

Or maybe your boss might just walk in and tell you that the first 20 hours of your work week were for free because he just didn't want to pay you for them.

Yep, everyone loves it when someone elese changes the rules.

Randall English
That would be the account on the smoke ring that was made on the 22nd of may 2008 with no posts and also no personal info.

Perhaps Randy_Fan would be a better internet handle for this guy.

Anyway, I'm done with this since it's obvious this is just some internet stalking case. Oh wait, he's just policing the net from whiners. Riiiiiiight. Roll Eyes
Well folks,the owners,managers,and moderator of Cookshack have always been adamant that we share helpful information,and conduct ourselves in that temperate manner.

There are other forums that don't ,and hopefully we won't develop that reputation.

I realize that I don't have to read threads that don't interest me,but I feel it may be time for Donna,or Smokin'Okie,to delete the whole thread.

For those interested,that is why we have private messaging and emails.

Just my $0.02
You just don't get it, do you?

Everytime that you lose, do you vent to your insulated online support group of smokers?

You remind me of the soccer mom, whose little darling never loses. It's always the referee's fault. Obviously, I am out numbered on this forum. All of your friends need to get out in the real world once in a while. Most of the teams were from local restaurants. I have seen at least 6 or 7 comments from your mouth degrading the quality of food locally. These people depend on their sales for income. They don't lose money on purpose just to gain bragging rights. The quality of food they serve is regulated by the customer returning for repeat business. Put your money where your mouth is and open your own business. That's the rub (pun intended), those who can't win the event - criticize the competition. There's your integrity.

The type of event that you participated in dictates the strategy for winning. This was a people's choice event, not one of your sanctioned competitions. The people's winner could not have been too bad. They beat you.

Apparently, you are very tight with the judges. The judges told you that your ribs were the best. (blah, blah, blah) The judges told you that the other guy's ribs were bad. You knew when everyone voted, how many votes, when they voted, who they chose. If you knew exactly what was going on between 5:00 and 6:00, where were your judge friends during this debacle? I don't understand why they didn't step in and make corrections? They don't sound like competent judges, blame them too..

Speaking of ethics, the information you were getting from the judges, how ethical is that? Perhaps you need to find some new judge friends.

As far as policing the net from whiners, there's definitely a bunch on this website.

One last thought. Randy... I look forward to seeing you at next year's event, if you show. It would be worth the price of admission to see you lose again.

You must be really be out in left field.

Spend money to make money?? That is what advertisement is all about. Getting your food in front of the public is advertisement. And bragging rights is what it is all about.

"Fall off the Bones Killer Ribs" Just think about the tag lines.

Judging, the 6 judges were local "celebs". The person who organized the judges was asked on the day before the event. He helped with the score sheets, and he viewed the tallied scores for all teams (10). So yes, I know the results and how we and others placed.

After he gave results from the results were given to the Promoter, the judges were done. Everything else was done by one person. The owner of one of the local bbq stores. But oh yeh "BLAH,BLAH,BLAH"

It really sounds like you are closely related to one of those businesses.
I do own a business, and in he near future I might also own a BBQ buisiness. What do you own, and what do you do. Oh, that's right we still don't know anything about you.

As too winning a comp. It's much easier when there is no one left to compete against. As in this case. The change of the rules beat me.

I am willing to bet you don't cook, and you have never had really good BBQ. And have no clue what any of the real cookers on this site all about.

As for cooking next year, I had planned to do the event at the fair ground instead. but i might just change my mind for you. But then again you'll just be that nameless face in the crowd.

My name and occupation doesn't have anything to do with your whining to the press. I've got all day to respond to megalomaniacs like you.

As far as advertising, how do you think it looked to the local newspaper when you went on your whining binge to complain about how someone else stole your glory...

My first impression was that you don't know how to accept defeat. You are setting a fine example for your Boy Scouts...

Trying to correct a poorly organized event is one thing, but to actively post negative feedback about your competitor's product is another...

I have not intentions of posting another reply to you or your buddies until next year..

My work is done...
It seems to me Fan is just blowing smoke up everyone's butt. It's obvious Fan hasn't attempted any competition's nor have I,(yet)however I do smoke a lot and I know how much work goes in it. I also know this is for fun and not profit. I have attended many competition's and have watched all competitors cheer on there competition. I gathered a lot of ideas while attending and everyone loves to help. I have seen your post as well as many others and love reading the forum because of all the information. Sorry for the mishap in Kingsport, it would upset me to and that would be so unfortunate if that was my first competition. As for Fan, that's a good name because I'm filling nothing but hot air from him.

John in Greeneville
Originally posted by BBQ_FAN:
My name and occupation doesn't have anything to do with your whining to the press. I've got all day to respond to megalomaniacs like you.

As far as advertising, how do you think it looked to the local newspaper when you went on your whining binge to complain about how someone else stole your glory...

My first impression was that you don't know how to accept defeat. You are setting a fine example for your Boy Scouts...

Trying to correct a poorly organized event is one thing, but to actively post negative feedback about your competitor's product is another...

I have not intentions of posting another reply to you or your buddies until next year..

My work is done...

Thank God for small favors.
BBQ_FAN does not know how to play nicely with others so his forum rights have been suspended.

I don't know what makes people so vicious and hateful -- well, I do know but that's a whole 'nother subject.

Anyway, when forum members behave as disrespectfully as BBQ_FAN has, there are consequences. There are forums where people go to call each other names and insult each other. This is not one of them.

Take your anger issues somewhere else, BBQ_FAN!
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