Well, another Christmas dinner success. My Prime rib roast was well received. However, the critical cook that I am, I called it a huge failure on my part. The roast ended up medium well when I was shooting for rare to medium rare.
Without going into too much details, I pretty much identified some mistakes. Even though I was following the 101. One of the mistakes I think, was my probe insertion. I have a wireless with two probes. Since I smoked a whole 7 bone roast cut in half I had one probe in each roast. I inserted the probe all the way in to where the tip was touching the middle of the roast. I am thinking that this was one of my mistakes. The probe is monitoring the middle of the roast and therefor the temp I am shooting for will only register from the coldest part of the roast. The result was each end was overcooked. Put another way, only about 2 1" slices were medium from the middle of each roast.
So my question, where do you place your probe and how deep into the meat?
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