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just did first batch in my AQ...told details in message AQ Kiss method..anyway final product has way too much smoke to it. I used 6 oz -3 oz mesquite and 3 oz hickory. Feel like I am eating ashes from a fire....just way too much smoke. Am going to try 4 oz next time and use both oak and hickory and skip mesquite next time.

While texture and look were perfect, outside of the overwhelming smoke I felt it needed more flavor. Store bought jerky has a sweetness to it..and also a salty flavor. This had neither. Had used high mountain hickory rub...but think I need something else. Oh well the dog seems to love it!!

I would appreciate some suggestions on how to fix it....was kind of a disaster.
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Mesquite has a pretty strong flavor to start. Mesquite, hickory, and hickory flavoring may have put it over the edge. Less wood without Mesquite should improve it. Try another seasoning, and the next batch should be more to your liking. Also, don't kickstart the smoker at 275* and just let it go low and slow.

I'd like a little more flavoring also so I think I'll increase the High Mountain seasoning like Tom or GLH or someone else has mentioned on this forum. Might create my own garlic/pepper with Tenderquick. I'll search the Web for a good garlic/pepper recipe.
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
9 ounces total was too much

ALWAYS (hint, hint) start with less.

It's easy to eat a batch that doesn't have enough smoke.

If it has too much, you might not eat it.

But a great lesson learned for newbies, thanks for posting


Learned this one the hard way this past Easter. Did a ham & pork loin in my SM-150, and crammed the wood box with hickory. The ham was pre-cooked & loins don't take long so it was a pretty short cook. As I said in another post, it got eaten but I was sure not proud to say that I had cooked it.

Next time I weighed the wood for the first time and used 3.5 oz. to cook 2 butts about 12 hrs. They had plenty of smoke...may reduce the amount of wood even further next time.

If you come from a stickburner background as I did, it is just difficult to believe that the woodbox on these things can hold too much wood. Believe it.
Actually it was only 6 ounces! so that should be an even bigger warning! I have learned my lesson..but funny thing is my kids and my neighbor love it with all the smoke and ate it all! I was going to give it to the dog, who has been following me around salivating ever since I got the smoker!

I am going to look into using a brine instead of a rub/cure to see if that will give more flavor. I know I read it a ton of times on the board, but it is true...this thing does not need a lot of wood! 6 oz was way too much.

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