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I agree with Tom. I always throw in a couple of pieces of Kingsford. I get a small pinkish-red ring and just a tad more smoke. Use the real stuff though. I can't imagine what the "Fast Start" Kingsford would do to the taste of your Q, Eeker unless you like the taste of lighter fluid! Big Grin

Welcome to the forum!!
I use it with the wood. Alot less wood, though. I don't know what brand it is, but the bag says hickory. I get it at a little country store down the road. Who knows, they might make it themselves. They sell alot of craft items and homemade foodstuffs. It is in a plain brown bag. It is messy too.
Guess you have to figure out why you even need to use lump. Personally, about the only thing lump will do is add potentially a little smoke ring. If the look of the meat is what you're concerned about, try it. But it's not a common method.

Most just use straight wood for wood flavor. I'm not terribly convinced that lump has any effect on flavor.

Yep Smokin',

That was goin' to be my next question.

Why bother?

If I am tinkering with a brisket,or occasionally butts,I might throw in a couple pieces of whatever is handy.

Since I rarely slice butts,except for practice,I usually don't even think of it.

If you have some unburned charred pieces in the firebox,you can leave them.

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