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1) Ask a butcher. Tell him you want whole/untrimmed Packer Briskets

2) Ask restaurants, where do they get theirs?

3) Keep asking in forums, you'll find some locals who might know a specific place

4) Food service companies are good, but you usually have to buy a whole case (4 to 6)
Last edited by Former Member
I live near Traverse City and have bought briskets at Sam's, Wal-mart and a nearby IGA. The IGA is best because I think the quality is better. Sam's is ok too but they usually sell only the flats. Wally I'm not too keen about. Looked at a full packer a week ago and it was Excel brand and not graded that I could tell. Wally has a good price but the meat might be of lower quality.

I think like Smokin' says, you need to ask people or at least go to various food markets. I came across a new brand of ribs the other day (Meadowbrook farms of Illinois) that were really better than any I had ever bought. So I'm sticking with those.

The IGA I go to is really out in the sticks but are pretty accommodating. In the summer they carry most everything but in the winter they won't have brisket, just ribs and butts. They will order if you want but a case is about 4 briskets. If you can find some other BBQ buddies to go in with you then you have it made and can buy pretty much what you want and where you want based on putting in an order.

Just look around.... you'll find the right spot. And then keep looking for something better. Smiler
Im in Lansing and we have 2 Sams Clubs.
The one on the south end carries brisket flats year round.
The one on the north end dont carry brisket in the winter months.
I know you can purchast them at the Eastern Mkt, in east Detroit.
I can get whole pakcer briskets from Merrindorfs Mkt. in Mason and Williamston.
I suggest you find a local butcher shop and talk to them.
Let us know how you make out.
Thanks for the replies. We just got a super-Wally in town and they had packers right in the case. The only bad thing was the I guess its ok for this cook since it is my first brisket in the 008. Once I get the method down, I'll get a better grade.

Time to read the 101 again. Wish the pictures were there. Frowner

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