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Got 6 large wild duck breasts, skin on (these were from Pintails). Scored the skin, brined for 24 hrs.

Brine was 1/2 cup kosher salt, 1/2 cup white sugar, 1/4 cup star anise, 1 cinnamon stick...boiled for 5 min in 2 cups water, added ice and enough water to make 1/2 gallon of brine.

Removed from brine, pat dry, coat with olive oil. Lightly coat with CS spicy chicken rub, then sprinkle generously with turbinado sugar.

Place in in CS 008 skin side up at 210 degrees for approximately 1 hr, to 140 degrees internal temp. Turn off smoker and crack the door, allow to rest for 10 minutes. Slice across the grain in thin slices, taste for salt and finish with sea salt if desired. Can be an entree but mine got devoured by the guests before ever making it off the cutting board.

I am saving the legs for an experimental batch of smoked duck confit...will let you know how it turns out (or not if it is so bad I have to feed it to the dog) Wink

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They do have thigh. Confit is a French method that ensures no drying, they are cooked submerged in rendered duck fat or just olive oil at 225 for 6-8 hrs, also thyme and garlic. You brown them quickly before cooking.

If careful they can be removed and flash fried when done to crisp the skin. If not, you pull them just like a pork shoulder. The result is sublime. Give it a try next time you have a mess of ducks. OS

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