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Was lurking, but finally made a couple a couple of posts. Have enjoyed our CS Smokette for two years now. I am a former inner-city high school librarian, retired part-time grocery clerk, Vietnam combat veteran, and now work as a proofreader. I have been married to the same woman for 35 years, am goofy about our twin grandsons who will be one year old next month, and enjoy music, especially Woody Guthrie, and another Oklahoma native singer and songwriter, Ray Wylie Hubbard.

Lee Graham (lefty)
Hi All,
My name is Jay and I live in Boston although I'm originally from Arkansas which is where I get the smokin genes from. Lots of good BBQ back there in the Ozarks. I've had my Model 50 about 3 months now and after checking my journal I've already done over 200 lbs. of meat. I just catered the R&D picnic at my company a few weeks ago (50 people). I love the forum and it definitely is why I got a Cookshack, thanks for the encouragement and help.

Nice to see so many yanks who love their smoked meats! I'm in northern New Jersey and I got my smokette in May 2001. It was a direct result of a number of dried out brisket failures in my electric water smoker. Stumbled onto CS on the net and bought after seeing therave reviews on this forum. I'm a semi-retired lawyer and investor with 4 kids. I guess I use my smokette twice a month and have done the basics, ribs, turkey, butt, brisket, beans.

Finally, I too am a member of the Andi Fan Club. You can tell from her posts that she just oozes personality. Why do Moose have all the luck!

Keep up the good work Smokin'! We love you man!
Hi, Joe here from "Sooner Land".

I just got my CS @ state fair. I have always been looking for this type of smoker. I never did like smelling like smoke while I played w/ the fire.

I love the forum and advice!!! Keep up the good work.

How about them sooner's! Don't ask bout my O-State Cowboy's.
terry here, I'm a Land Surveyor in Floyds Knobs Indiana.
I guess I'm considered a lurker, however, I do post once in a while. I read through the forum every weekday on my lunch hour but am unable to post from work. At home, I can rarely get the computer away from the kids. Yea, got it tonight.
Developed my taste for smoked foods while down in Texas during the 80's.
I used a NBBD for 2 years, then bought a smokette 2 years ago, and bought a M50 this last summer.

Keep Smokin'
Terry kendall
Hi, I am Donna Johnson, and I work for Cookshack. My Mom and Dad, Gene and Judy Ellis, started Cookshack about 40 years ago. They passed away in 1985. I have been involved with Cookshack, officially, since 1981.

I love my job. Yesterday I got to spend the day making rubs and smoking ... well, I can't tell you what I was smoking because it was for the contest. (Results TBA tomorrow.) Now that is what I call a great job! Cooking and eating barbecue!

In addition to my Q role, I am a Mom, a wife, a crazy quilter (no, I am not crazy, the quilts are), a gardener, and I love computers. I like to drink wine, hang out with my friends and laugh. I have a dog, Katy, who is a 4 month old Bichon Frise, and she is a spoiled rotten baby.

Thanks, Smokin', for the chance for us to become better acquainted.

Hello to all,

I just got back to Tampa, Florida from a car trip to New Jersey and saw this roll call.

I am a retired physician. Elinor, my wife and chief food critic, and I live in a townhome on a small island in the mouth of Tampa Bay.

I have been cooking for many years, starting at home when very young, cooking breakfast for the football team at Florida University to pay my way through college, and continuing to learn about food and cooking since then.

We have a Smokette and a Big Green Egg on a small porch off my kitchen. I cook the Que there and like to take pictures of the finished results to share with you on this forum and the BGE forum.

Smokin and some others that he has encouraged want to hassle me about my Egg- but they know I use both my cookers to take advantage of their unique qualities.

In addition to cooking, I am interested in digital photography, dogs (we have 2 Schnauzers), computers and my 2 young grandchildren, not in order of preference.

My sister and I write a restaurant review/food column for a local Tampabay magazine.

That's about it for me. Big Grin

I enjoy every minute I spend on this forum, and especially when I get egged. Cool

I'm trying to decide whether to do some baby-backs in the Egg or Smokette as we speak. they were $2.99/pound at Albertson's today. My daughter took me to a place that she said had great ribs in Summit, NJ last Monday. Guess what? They were preboiled (uugh Eeker ), and oven baked in a sweet sauce until they turned grey and fell off their bones. I told her they were wonderful. Need to get my taste buds perked up by some good QUE.
As you can tell by my name I work for Cookshack :)

I've been with Cookshack almost a year now, and love working for the company. Donna and I are in Norman, Oklahoma. If you receive email from us or have a question it's very possible you received them from one of us. I also keep the UBB up and running and maintain our website, work with the web designers and a host of other duties, including cooking and judging the quarterly recipe contests!

As Andi describes me I'm a even though my name is spelled with a Y which can be confusing.

I have a Smokette and do LOT'S of cooking, and of course everyone likes to come to my house for dinner and I'm usually always asked to pot lucks...gee I've been wondering why I have so many invitations to bring a

I am a (young) and love to travel and have been blessed to be able to do just that, I raised 3 foster boys, and was a ranchers wife for 22 years and moved to Oklahoma about a year ago from California.

If I can be of any help with questions related to the forum or other sales/marketing questions please let me know I'll be glad to help.
Hi everyone,

It's fun seeing who all is on the forum. Hope the rest of the lurkers will jump in there.

As you can see my name is Stuart and some days I am the president of Cookshack. The other days I am usually found playing golf. Not quite ready yet to give up my day job.

Actually I have the best job in the world, Donna and her brother Mark had everything running like clock work, I showed up and just try to keep the clock wound up... Have been part of the Cookshack team for 10 years, we have a great group of employees and a great group of friends that just happen to be customers.
Hi from Rochester NY. Recovering from second degree burns on face and arms, singed hair and lost eyebrows. All in the name of Q.Have been smoking on a Weber gas grill. Soaked chips in a cast iron pan set on burner grates below ribs. Worked well but couldn't get "low and slow". At lowest temp (200), chips didn't smoke. Solution: 5 gal metal bucket with lid, cut a door in the side with hinge,a hole in the top for flexible 4" duct. Small camp stove sat inside to heat the iron pan with chips. All this was ducted to a hole cut in the side of Weber. On paper it looked good. Weber supplies low heat and the bucket provides the smoke. The damned thing nearly blew up. The stove over heated and turned into a blow torch. Tried to open the door to shut off stove and well.. see first sentence. Next day tore it apart and replaced stove with a burner fed by propane tank OUTSIDE of the bucket. Worked great, low and slow with lost of smoke. Wonderful ribs, and a Butt.But, it needed a LOT of tending.

Final solution:bought a Smokintex, which in my novice brain I thought WAS a Cookshack. Well I must have lucked out and got one of the last Made in USA 'Tex ovens. I understand Cookshack doesn't make them for 'Tex any longer and the 'Tex now comes from off-shore. Had I known I would have spent the same money directly with CS on a Smokette.

Did a 12# Briskett the other day. Had to fold the thinner part under to make it fit and yes it did flatten out all by itself like Smokin' said it would.Went for 14 hours. It came out Great!!

Marinaded one night with Aarons marinade from the forum winners and another night in JJ's rub.Even some nice bark. (Curious kids kept checking on it the last hour or so. perhaps that's the trick;let out some of that moisture)

Anywho' thanks for the great site.
Hi all,

I am in NJ. We all have our faults, sorry.

I enjoy the forum very much. Lot's of good info and I am not above copying this info if it produces good food.

Have a real love for good food and JD sour mash.

Have resided in WV,Md,TX,and now NJ. Always interested in ribs, but real like for "Q", came in my time in TX.

Have used CS recipe for Smoked Jalapeno Jelly, Three times this summer to raves from F and F.

Don't post much but "lurk" a lot. Check the forum most every day, so keep the info flowing, maybe some day I will reciprocate.

TC Smiler Smiler

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