Greetings from Springfield, Oregon! Sravaka checkin in here with my first post. I actually just talked the wife into letting me get an AmeriQue, how I did it I'm still not sure, so I'm going to order it Monday before she has a chance to change her mind. I have an outdoor kitchen on a covered deck with a TEC (Thermal Engineering Corp) Sterling G2000 FR infrared grill that I absolutley love and an outdoor gas fireplace all piped into the house gas supply but I have been wanting to get a smoker for a long time and I can't wait to get my AmeriQue! I know my profile says that I already have the smoker but I was just writing it in for the future so I don't have to change it later . . anyways I am so jazzed not just about the smoker but also about joining this fine community I see here, been reading posts all day, and what looks like a fine company as well. I look foward to sharing good Q with you all! When I get a little more settled I'll try and post some pics so you guys can see where the AmeriQue is going to go.
GO DUCKS!!! yes I know we lost to USC in overtime . . I was there . . ouch . . .
Former Member
Welcome, Sravaka !
I am sure you will benefit and be a benefit to the forum.
Also, congrats on your very wise purchase. I hope it gets to you this week !
Enjoy !

I am sure you will benefit and be a benefit to the forum.
Also, congrats on your very wise purchase. I hope it gets to you this week !
Enjoy !

Former Member
Hey guys,
A little delayed in doing this. Been smoking for only a couple of years, but only on little cheap smokers that never seemed to turn out right. I purchased a CS for my Christmas present from the wife. Best thing I ever did. I'm a firefighter from MS, and was introduced to the smoking world by a coworker that competes. He smokes on a backwoods and has taught me a good bit. Look forward to many more smokes with you fellas. Thanks for all the help so far.
A little delayed in doing this. Been smoking for only a couple of years, but only on little cheap smokers that never seemed to turn out right. I purchased a CS for my Christmas present from the wife. Best thing I ever did. I'm a firefighter from MS, and was introduced to the smoking world by a coworker that competes. He smokes on a backwoods and has taught me a good bit. Look forward to many more smokes with you fellas. Thanks for all the help so far.
hiya-herb here have been a fan of q forever-i can still remember my grandparents smokehouse in s.ill. when i was younger than i am now (69) will be getting an 008 soon- can't wait. we have 2 REALLY good q joints here and i want to see if i can beat them!! i really like the forum-after reading it if you screw up it's cause you didn't read enough. i also make the worlds best jerky. no brag just fact. can't wait to cold smoke some.(i use a dehydrator for jerky) keep up the good work-go ku
Former Member
Hi treeshaker! What is it you hope will fall out of them trees? Apples? If any apple limbs fall, be sure they are dry and cut up small enough for the woodbox in that Smokette!
Welcome to the forum. Join right in! There is a jerky forum here also where you can post your recipe for others to enjoy!
Have fun!

Welcome to the forum. Join right in! There is a jerky forum here also where you can post your recipe for others to enjoy!
Have fun!

Former Member
Carpetride checking in here. I've been reading the heck out of this forum the last several days. I have a 50 on the way and can't wait! I've had all sorts of grills but have been using a Traeger lately (on loan from my father). Really starting to get the smoking bug as an every weekend hobby.
Look forward to learning and sharing.
Look forward to learning and sharing.
Hey Trent, welcome, I'm a newby here also, just took delivery of a new AmeriQue. Good luck with your smoking adventures. As recomended I smoked a pork butt first cause it was easy and helped season the new smoker so you might start there. Good Luck!
Former Member
Welcome Trent and Sravaka!! Great to have you guys on the board!
Former Member
Come one and come all!
Please post your first experiences with your new smokers in the open forum. We love it !

Please post your first experiences with your new smokers in the open forum. We love it !

Former Member
Greetings from East Texas.
I was born and raised in Norman, OK (Sooner Born and Sooner Bred, and when I die, I'll be Sooner Dead) and currently residing south of the red river. I have several different WSM, but decided to move up to less work, without losing the flavor. I am waiting for my 09 to get here. Looked at several different brands, but when I checked out this site, there was no question. I am coming home to OK. In my other life, I deal drugs for a living (Legally)
Anyone in Norman area know if Lindy's BBQ is still selling their Sauce. Used to use it by the case.
I was born and raised in Norman, OK (Sooner Born and Sooner Bred, and when I die, I'll be Sooner Dead) and currently residing south of the red river. I have several different WSM, but decided to move up to less work, without losing the flavor. I am waiting for my 09 to get here. Looked at several different brands, but when I checked out this site, there was no question. I am coming home to OK. In my other life, I deal drugs for a living (Legally)
Anyone in Norman area know if Lindy's BBQ is still selling their Sauce. Used to use it by the case.
Former Member
Welcome, J.B. !
I, for one, believe you made a wise purchase.

I, for one, believe you made a wise purchase.

Former Member
Greetings from San Diego
Born and raised in California, retired lawyer, now a professional wine judge (tough job but somebody has to do it). Regularly get to Kansas City and South Carolina and appreciate real BBQ. Here in Southern California if you grill a piece of meat and lather on lots of sauce they call it BBQ. Argh
Figured the only way to get decent BBQ is to make it myself. Got the Smokette, assembled it (with only 2 calls to customer service!)and am waiting for the weekend to season it and then start cooking. The notes on this board have been a super help in learning what to do and what not to do. I know, I know, when it's done, it's done.
Born and raised in California, retired lawyer, now a professional wine judge (tough job but somebody has to do it). Regularly get to Kansas City and South Carolina and appreciate real BBQ. Here in Southern California if you grill a piece of meat and lather on lots of sauce they call it BBQ. Argh
Figured the only way to get decent BBQ is to make it myself. Got the Smokette, assembled it (with only 2 calls to customer service!)and am waiting for the weekend to season it and then start cooking. The notes on this board have been a super help in learning what to do and what not to do. I know, I know, when it's done, it's done.
Former Member
Hi Everyone,
My name is Ray and I hail from Slave Lake Alberta Canada. I'm a relative newcomer to smoking with taking up the hobby maybe 6 months ago. I started out with a GOSM but with our rather harsh Canadian winters (-50F just awhile back) I found myself looking for a smoker that would fullfill my needs and be able to be used in the garage. Being that we have lockers with snowmobile clothing and a classic car, I was looking for something that sealed well, was easy to maintain and relatively big. I will be rigging up an overhead hood to expell the smoke. I received a tip about Cookshack and their smokers from another BBQ website and low and behold after reading the forums and hearing of the quality and customer support, my new Amerique is due to arrive any day. Bought all the goodies, fish racks, extra wood, cover, cold smoke kit etc. Have snooped around here a bit but thought it was time to introduce myself as I would imagine that I will be leaning on a few of the experts on the board as from what I have been reading, the style of smoking that I am used to will be different using the new Cookshack. I absolutly enjoy ribs of all kinds and am looking forward to a feast once I get the new unit all seasoned up. I received a lot of flack over the amount of money I spent on our new unit but the sceptics have been known to mysteriously show up when they know I'm smoking something. Its as thou they have a remote sense of when my que is almost ready! LOL. Hopefully the new addition will be the one that I am expecting it to be and will provide me the results I have been able to acheive with my GOSM. Counting the days now and watching for the truck to arrive. Can hardly wait....haven't had anything smoked for 3 months and I am a smokeaholic and near going into seizures for some smoked ribs!!!Cheers everyone!
My name is Ray and I hail from Slave Lake Alberta Canada. I'm a relative newcomer to smoking with taking up the hobby maybe 6 months ago. I started out with a GOSM but with our rather harsh Canadian winters (-50F just awhile back) I found myself looking for a smoker that would fullfill my needs and be able to be used in the garage. Being that we have lockers with snowmobile clothing and a classic car, I was looking for something that sealed well, was easy to maintain and relatively big. I will be rigging up an overhead hood to expell the smoke. I received a tip about Cookshack and their smokers from another BBQ website and low and behold after reading the forums and hearing of the quality and customer support, my new Amerique is due to arrive any day. Bought all the goodies, fish racks, extra wood, cover, cold smoke kit etc. Have snooped around here a bit but thought it was time to introduce myself as I would imagine that I will be leaning on a few of the experts on the board as from what I have been reading, the style of smoking that I am used to will be different using the new Cookshack. I absolutly enjoy ribs of all kinds and am looking forward to a feast once I get the new unit all seasoned up. I received a lot of flack over the amount of money I spent on our new unit but the sceptics have been known to mysteriously show up when they know I'm smoking something. Its as thou they have a remote sense of when my que is almost ready! LOL. Hopefully the new addition will be the one that I am expecting it to be and will provide me the results I have been able to acheive with my GOSM. Counting the days now and watching for the truck to arrive. Can hardly wait....haven't had anything smoked for 3 months and I am a smokeaholic and near going into seizures for some smoked ribs!!!Cheers everyone!
Former Member
Hey its just me CaptainSauce checking in. My cook team is Dumplin Valley. Hi Gang
Former Member
Welcome to the forum, Ray and Norm !

Former Member
Hello all I am new here. I have had a 50 model in my shop for three years that I got for free and just now decided to see if it worked. This thing works like a champ. I cannot believe I had not tried this out sooner. It is almost idiot proof. I have been reading many posts over the last couple weeks and thank everyone for the wealth of information. Now off to post a few questions to the masses to make it that much better.
Former Member
I proved it is idiot-proof a few years ago !!!
Welcome to the forum, tarpon !

I proved it is idiot-proof a few years ago !!!
Welcome to the forum, tarpon !

Former Member
Thanks for the welcome GLH. I'll post some pics when I get this unti seasoned and broke in.
Brad A.K.A. HoosierQ smoking...checking in! I have a shouler in, a chicken on deck, and two racks of ribs in the hole. I've been smoking in my 008 for 3yrs. I've read many threads, taken copious notes, and worked brisket, ribs (spare and babyback), chicken, and shoulders to their best. My project for this summer is sausage. Any and all suggetsions are appreciated! Thanks for all the tips everyone. I hope to make some contributions soon.
Former Member
Yes, please do, Brad !
Welcome to the forum !

Welcome to the forum !

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