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Hey Guys
Many of you have probably seen me post on the BBQFORUM and I've been a lurker here and on the Egger forum a bit. I'm a critical care respiratory therapist at Childrens Hospital Mpls. MN and live in Hastings, MN. I like hunting & fishing, bbq & blues, beer & brandy. I don't have a cookshack or an egg but I built about the best damn smoker i've ever had out of a commercial warming oven and it's a gas assisted woodburner and love the hell out of it. Hope everyone stays in the smoke and has a great summer full of bbq
Good Q'n
Dr. Mac Here,

I'm a high school principal in western Nebraska. My hobbies include Q, making wine, camping, & boating/skiing.

I have had my smokette for about 6 months now. I LOVE IT! I also love this forum! Have used it for jerky, ribs, butts, & chicken. Next experiment is a brisket.
Hi ya,
Donald Maclaren here. Software engineer and 1st time owner of a smokette 008 for a week now. Aactually, I had some paint chip the first use and called CS. They are sending me a new 009 sinec they want to make sire all is ok.

Anyway, I have been smoking all day every day. I will turn into a smoker is I'm not careful.

What a great company. Waht a relief to do business with a business that really cares about i's customers. A++ to you CS
Hello everybody! As you can see below, we live in Washington State, approximately 20 minutes from the Ocean. We have great salmon fishing locally!

"We" consists of my beautiful bride & two sons. We have no cookshack in the arsenal yet, but we do use a home brew off-set metal smoker.

I am a BBQ cooking newbie, having been a die hard fan of Q since Mr. Beal (sp?) ran the "Wild Boar" in Seattle. We sure miss the place!! (Hey ej--you ever get to frequent the place before it closed?!)

I really enjoy the "way too spicy" side of food but computers, and cooking are my main interests. Of course, a good baseball game or a day of fishing are hard to beat! Also, as you can see, I take after Smokin'--I like to write.... (Sorry Smokin, but it takes the heat off of my long posts!! Wink )
Hello, I'm John from the western burbs of Chicago. I am an airline pilot, married, three children and one grandchild (and another on the way). Bought my Smokette about a month ago and lovin' it ever since. Thanks to all that have helped with all my crazy questions! And, thanks to CS for their help as well.

John AKA Grumpster

My name is Rene, Am still here, reading your exchanges this side of the pond !
France is still waiting for the CS landing !
Did I hear "tough !" ?
Happy 4th (2003) to you all ... 10 days to go to our 14th ! But did'nt I say ... we allways have to wait !
Will someone save us and send a CS ?
Been on this forum 1 year next month and can't begin to tell you how much I've learned about Q in that time.

I'm proud to say that because of all the helpful folks here, I have never had a bad piece of meat come off my smoker.

For the newcomers, just wanna say welcome, and you won't be sorry you joined this "family"

As we speak I'm tending a pork shoulder and boneless butt to celebrate the 4th of July. Can't think of a better way to spend the holiday...Q, slaw, beans & beer. What a day!!


Hi all! I am Bob from the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Got my Model 50 about a year ago and have loved every minute of using it and coming to this forum. Great service and a great product! Cannot ask for better than that!
Celebrating the 4th with lots of friends and lots of Cookshack Baby Backs! Have a great holiday! Big Grin
Hope everyone is having a great 4th. This is my first post. I've been cooking outdoors for over 35 years, but I've learned considerably more from this forum in the last 2 weeks. I've got to get one of those Cookshack smokers though. Hope I'll cooking on one for the next 35.
Lynnae here to say my CS has made me one happy camper and thanks to y'all I'm probably going to get fat now that I am eating all this good Q. Wink

Anyway I wanted to be counted on the roll call and say how happy I am to see all the support you give, even to those without a CS currently. I guess it's all in the name of good Q!

I am a chef and have been cooking in restaurants and catering for 20 years and the one thing that keeps me going in this insane industry is that there is always something to learn and this forum is one real good example.

I hope everyone had a good 4th. I fired up some racks of spare ribs and they came out GOOD! I thought I'd try putting a piece of charcoal in with the chunks and the results, I thought were great although I had nothing to comapare with.

Good eat's a frosty beverage or 2 and some good friends made this a great 4th.

All the best to everyone

lynnae Smiler Wink Smiler
hi everybody! my nameis michael. i have been queing professionally for 7 months now. from "never done it" to "for a living" in a whirlwind of one month. my wife and i saw this place for sale, and jumped on the chance. since then, i have learned soooo much! mostly from reading this forum. now, i am proud to say people all over the low country come for miles just to eat our q. couldnt have done it without all of you! dont have a cs, but will get one if i ever change locations. our restaurant was built around this huge smoker! i use a combo of apple and mesquite. mmmmmm. also created a spicy mustard sauce that i will share later... thanks for al the help! check us out on line at
"loving the Q life"
Kevin Taraszewski, Boardman, Ohio. My cookshack (model 50) arrived the Thursday before Easter Sunday. I have used it EVERY weekend since for at least one meal. I have a Klose offset on order. I like variety and the opportunity to learn as much as I can about my passions in life, of which BBQ is one. Have made several posts since purchase mainly helping newer people since I am just ever so slightly out of that stage so my concerns,issues, and successes are still fresh in my mind.
Kevin Cool
Hi, most of you know me: I am Donna Johnson and I am a co-owner of Cookshack along with my brother Mark and Stuart (who is not my brother but he is a joy to work with).

I am going to go all mushy here. My Mom and Dad started Cookshack in the 60's. It literally started from nothing, in their backyard. Mark and I joined the business in 1980 or '81, I can't remember. My Dad was one of those entrepreneurs who could not delegate a thing and they were killing themselves. Mark and I took a huge load from them, and we saw sales increase rapidly. My parents died in a boating accident in 1985. Stuart joined us in 1990 (?) or thereabouts. Here is the mushy part: my Dad would have absolutely loved this Forum. He had a vision of making a smoking machine that everyone could use to make great barbecue with no mystery. From what you all are saying, he did it. We at Cookshack do truly think of you as part of a great big bbq family.

Now I am dripping tears and have to stop. Sorry for all this, I know some of you are thinking Too Much Information!


PS The spice blends and Spicy Sauce are my mother's recipes. My dad invented the smokers, but Mom gets credit, too!
Let's see those OTHER companies match that.

Thanks for the story Donna.

Hey, question, does CS have any photos from the early days? A suggestion is to add some of this info in your monthly newletter and add to the site. Great story. Now go get a tissue Wink

But I was gonna give you a hard time about taking so long to post then I said to myself "HEY" dummy, it's your turn. Actually I hadn't posted because I wanted to hear your stories, not mine Wink

Hi There, I'm Smokin Okie, but you knew that Big Grin

Been barbecuing/smokin/grillin ever since I first fired up the weber in the family's back yard in the 60's. Eventually got an ECB (El Cheapo Brinkman) and work on perfecting simple Q. There wasn't anyone around to ask, everyone kept their secrets and there weren't any Low and Slow books. Along the way, traveled the world (over 100 countries) learned about food and how everyone else does it, taught a little about Q'in and then this internet thing comes along. Worked with a few teams in contests, became a Certified Judge (with Mrs. Smokin') and the story grows every year.

It's my absolute pleasure to share any knowledge I have about Q. When my wife bought my first Cookshack at the Okie State Fair, I hadn't heard of CS. But my wife wanted to see more of me instead of seeing me go out the door to stoke the fire on the offset.

After a while, I bugged Donna on the original forum (it's fun to read some of that old stuff now and then, but I REALLY prefer the new forum):

Original CS Forum

I truly love the people at CS, they're great to work with and work real hard and they have more surprises in store for everyone and we ALL make this the best Q'in Forum on the internet.

Give ya'll a virtual hug and pat on the back from me.
Hope ya'll don't mind a stray bullet head posting on your forum. Big Grin I've been lurking here for quite some time and you have a real neat little smoker. I would definitely consider adding it to my arsinal in the future.
Well I've been grilling for many years but just in the last year have become familiar with the wonderfull world of low and slow (real barbecue) I own a Weber Smoky Mountain, a large New Braunfels grill, and a brinkman smoke king converted with an afterburner. I use the brinkman for jerky mostly. I found the High Mountain Jerky company through this site. I have the vidio so I am familiar with Smokin Okie. Good job with the vidio smokin'.
Well I hope to contribute in future so keep up the good work and I will talk to ya later

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