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So, I take my meat out of the marinade, and let it dry off for about an hour and a half. Then I smoke it for about 4-1/2 hours @ 175-180 degrees. I open the door about every hour and a half to check on it.

but lately, it hasnt been coming out dry, its been coming out cooked. grey-ish in color.

Should I leave it in longer? change the heat I smoke at? I dunno Frowner
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If it's coming out dry and cooked, you're smoking it too long. At 175-180* I would think 4.5 hrs wouldn't be too long, but it sounds like it. When you let it air for 1.5 hrs before smoking it, that also starts drying the meat. Once you've pulled it from curing, throw it into the smoker without airing it. Proceed with the moisture dumping every 45 minutes or so, and watch it. It could be ready anytime after 3.5-4 hrs., but most likely will go longer.

Mine goes for 4.5-5 hrs, but I use a wet cure typically.
A couple questions...

How thick are the pieces of meat that you start with?

On your wet marinade, is there any curing, TenderQuick...guess I'm asking what you recipe is, if you don't mind sharing?

I'm with Pags, it sounds like they are too dry(cooked too long).

Not that it matters, but what type of smoker are you using?
CJF28 - You have not used a cure. That is why your meat is grey-ish in color.

Mostly all of ue here on the forum use a cure and that is where the redish color we get comes from, I know it helps in the flavor, and I think texture of the meat as well.

How long did you let the meat sit in the salt/marinade? I don't know how much time the salt needs to work its magic vs. the cure in the marinades or store bought mixes we use. If I make a home made marinade I use Pink Salt, also called Instacure #2, which is specifically used for dried meats. Instacure #1 is for salami, etc. (whole nother subject). I got my Instacure on Amazon if your interested. Try the QDogg method, it has never failed me. But I think once you have a curing agent in the mix, it will come out much better no matter what cooking method you use.

Oh, by the way, your marinade sounds good as far as other ingredients, but if you use a cure you may want to decrease that 1C salt way down because everything else you are adding has its own salt in it. I think you may have brined vs. cured someone else hopefully will chime in and tell you. Brining is usually for something you want to come out juicer. Don't know if that matters? Haven't been doing this long enough to confirm that, just thinking out loud. Vicki
Thanks, Vicki.

I wanted to order some of the Himtn stuff, including the Inferno. I like my jerky hot, its the only way I can keep it for myself.

I usually marinade for at least 48 hours, if not longer.

I havent liked the texture Ive been getting, which is why I started asking about dry brining.

thanks for the info.

I love how helpful everyone is on this site. No one acts "holier-than-thou" and takes the time to teach the new kids.

Originally posted by Vicki:
How long did you let the meat sit in the salt/marinade? I don't know how much time the salt needs to work its magic vs. the cure in the marinades or store bought mixes we use. If I make a home made marinade I use Pink Salt, also called Instacure #2, which is specifically used for dried meats. Instacure #1 is for salami, etc. (whole nother subject). I got my Instacure on Amazon if your interested. Try the QDogg method, it has never failed me. But I think once you have a curing agent in the mix, it will come out much better no matter what cooking method you use.

Maybe, I have this all wrong but I thought instant cure #1 was also know as pink salt? This is what is used for jerky and instant cure #2 was for non smoking cure?


CAUTION!!!, instant cure is used in very SMALL amounts. It is a salt,nitrite mixture used to kill any bad stuff(bacteria). Please do some reading on this product if you are gonna use it. Vicki is right, it is what is needed for that pretty redish color on beef jerky. Tenderquick is also another way of using a cure that is not as strong, more room for error with this product and will give you that redish color.
Originally posted by cal:
Originally posted by Vicki:
How long did you let the meat sit in the salt/marinade? I don't know how much time the salt needs to work its magic vs. the cure in the marinades or store bought mixes we use. If I make a home made marinade I use Pink Salt, also called Instacure #2, which is specifically used for dried meats. Instacure #1 is for salami, etc. (whole nother subject). I got my Instacure on Amazon if your interested. Try the QDogg method, it has never failed me. But I think once you have a curing agent in the mix, it will come out much better no matter what cooking method you use.

Maybe, I have this all wrong but I thought instant cure #1 was also know as pink salt? This is what is used for jerky and instant cure #2 was for non smoking cure?

Cal - You're correct. Pink salt is Cure #1 (Instacure #1/Prague Powder #1), a mixture of salt and sodium nitrite. It's used with meats that need to be cooked/smoked. Cure #2 is a mixture of salt, sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite. Cure #2 is used on items that are dry cured over an extended period of time, like hams, salamis, pepperonis, and other cured meats which are not meant to be cooked.

Confusing the two can be very dangerous.
Ok, what I should have said was that #1 is for bacon, etc., I was wrong in saying salami.

I thought I used #2 in my jerky because it specifies that #2 is for drying only and never highly heat any products made with #2 because it causes production of nitrosamines (which if I remember are bad carcinogens). #1 I use to make the cure for my bacon. I just read the back of the Hi-Mtn boxes and they only contain the equivalant of Instacure #1 (just the nitrate). I can't locate the recipe I used, but it probably mentioned either #1 or tenderquick, I don't remember. If I did mistakingly use #2 its okay, because I wouldn't be cooking beef jerky to a high heat, so I am okay. I have my bags of #1 & 2 labeled very clearly with "#2 for drying only, never fry or highly heat products make with this" and a big "POISON" so my kids never mistake it for something else!

I thought they were both called pink salt, I know they are both called Prague Powder/Instacure, I was mistaken, sorry.

This is one of the links listing the specifics.

And yes, you have to be very careful in using the products. You should only use 5 tsp per 25/lbs of meat for curing of either #1 or #2. Or follow a recipe from a very reputable cook/cookbook.

Just adding the descriptions I found on one website that sells the products.

Insta Cure™ No. 1, a basic cure used to cure all meats that require cooking, smoking, or canning. This includes poultry, fish, ham, bacon, luncheon meats, corned beef, pates and other products too numerous to mention. Formerly Prague Powder #1. Insta Cure™ #1 contains salt and sodium nitrite (6.25%).
Use 1 level teaspoon per 5 lbs. of meat.

A cure specifically formulated to be used for making dry cured products such as pepperoni, hard salami, genoa salami, proscuitti hams, dried farmers sausage, capicola and more. These are products that do not require cooking, smoking, or refrigeration. Insta Cure™ No. 2 can be compared to the time release capsules used for colds--the sodium nitrate breaks down to sodium nitrite and then to nitric oxide to cure the meat over an extended period of time. Some meats require curing for up to 6 months. InstaCure #2 contains salt, sodium nitrite (6.25%) and sodium nitrate (1%).

Use 1 level teaspoon per 5 lbs. of meat.
Last edited by vickib
Thanks Vicki,

Tender Quick is a blend of salt, sugar, sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite, and propylene glycol. The amount of sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite are 0.5%.

When I looked at the Hi Mountain box for the cure ingredients it said salt,sugar,sodium nitrite(.85%), and caramel color.

As long as a person is keeping the jerky refig while curing, I'd think the TQ would work in place of the Hi mountain cure for a dry cure. Might have to cure for a few extra hours, but really don't think that would be necessary.
Some recipes may call for more. I would do what the recipe says as long as u trust the author. I think the process with the cure is that it sinks into the meat, I am sure others can explain this better. I don't think you would need to use a lot more as u wouldnt need to drown the meat in the marinade, just cover it and move it/flip it around a couple time a day (I like to use ziplock bags for my wet cures, it's so easy to manipulate the meat that way).
I can't answer cure 1 for you, but I too use a wet cure for my jerky. Here it is for reference:

5 lbs sliced meat
1 cup of soy sauce
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1/4 cup of honey
1/4 cup of Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons of garlic powder
2 tablespoons of onion powder
1 tablespoon of red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon of black pepper
2 tablesppons of Morton® Tender Quick®
1 teaspoon of powdered cayenne pepper

With this recipe the jerky meat sits in a bowl literally covered in a wet cure bath. When the curing process is complete, most of the wet cure is absorbed into the meat. Very little (several tablespoons) drain off with the balance of the wet cure inside the meat.

Obviously, if you're using twice the wet brine, much wouldn't be absorbed. However, if you're ratios of cure to wet brine are intact, your results should not change. Interesting how much wet cure/brine the meat absorbs. Your drying time will increase as a result, but shouldn't take much more than 4.5 hrs at 180* (assuming you've got a Cookshack. Couldn't tell you how long other smokers or a dehydrator would take). Lean towards more wood than not. Jerky likes smoke. Smiler
Last edited by pags
Originally posted by Kelley:
When using cure 1 for a wet brine would I need to use more than 1 teaspoon for 5 pounds of meat, as all the cure is not staying in the meat when removing it from the brine? I hope this makes sence

The amount of cure #1 used in a wet brine is based upon the volume or quantity of brine used, not the weight of the meat. I've seen a number of recommendations with most falling in a range of 3 oz. (6 level tbs.) to 5 oz. (10 level tbs.) per gallon of water. I use the 3 oz. recommendation. Of course, additional salt has to be added to get get the brine to its proper strength.

Some good info on brine making can be found here.
Last edited by dls
I saw this recipe at Dee Jay's site and thought it looked interesting for someone that likes their jerky hot. It should work for 5 lbs of sliced jerky.

Hot and Spicy Posted by Lionel
1/4 c soy sauce
1/4 c Worcestershire sauce
1/4 c Cayenne pepper sauce
1 t garlic powder
1 t onion powder
1-2 t black pepper
1 t Chile powder
1 c water

If you want to cure the jerky, add 2 tablespoons of TenderQuick.
Originally posted by dls:
The amount of cure #1 used in a wet brine is based upon the volume or quantity of brine used, not the weight of the meat. I've seen a number of recommendations with most falling in a range of 3 oz. (6 level tbs.) to 5 oz. (10 level tbs.) per gallon of water. I use the 3 oz. recommendation. Of course, additional salt has to be added to get get the brine to its proper strength.

Lets make sure I have this correct!

If I'm wet marinading for jerky, I just need the 3-5oz/per gallon solution(cure#1) to be safe?( I too had heard 1 tsp/5ozs of water for 5lbs of meat)....but if I'm wanting to brine then I need to raise the solution up in salt...then this will also vary by the length of time I brine?
Since virtually all my wet cure is absorbed by my sliced jerky meat, I would not increase my TenderQuick from more than 2 TBLs/5 lbs of meat. Remember also, smoking is a form of cure used long ago to preserve meat. Some would argue that since we're thoroughly (and I mean thoroughly) smoking thin slices of beef, no cure is needed.

I use the cure as a precaution and as a flavor enhancer. That said, I still store my jerky in a zip lock bag with the air removed inside the refrigerator. It never lasts more than a couple weeks so I can't tell you how long it'll stay safe.
Well. I went to the store and bought some jerky meat, half price salmon filets, turkey breast on sale and several corned rounds that were half price already.

Like Tom has said, it's good to get to know your butcher. I ordered a 6 lb eye of round on sale for the jerky. Butcher sliced it with the grain 1/4" thick so all I did was come home and hit the slices with the big Forschner to make the strips. The butcher sliced the meat, trimmed nearly a 3/4 lb of fat off for me, and then charged me the sales price on the net not the gross. Shook my hand with a smile and said, "Please come back." Think I'll take him some jerky later this week.

I made up half the jerky in the "Hot and Spicey" brine/cure shown above using TenerQuick, and made the other half in the following recipe:

2.5 lbs jerky strips
2 cups apple juice
1/4 cup garlic granules + TBL
2 TBL onion powder
1 TBL Pepper-coarse
1.3 TBL TenderQuick

Once I had the jerky meat, I couldn't wait on the "Hot and Spicey" Vicki. So we can compare notes. Will also report on the experimental garlic jerky recipe.

I'm smoking cheese now. Mozerella for a friend...requested (she's cute. I couldn't say no). Jerky in the 2 brine cures. Brining the turkey in a couple days. Smoking chicken wings tomorrow night. Tonight's Cod dinner sitting in olive oil and spices. Think I'll head out, have a cigar/Sierra Nevada, and watch the cheese smoke. Life is good. Smiler
Originally posted by CJF28:

it sounds like I have three ways to go?

Instacure #1
Himtn season packets

There are a bunch of other jerky seasonings commercially available too. Cabelas, Sporting Goods Stores, Walmart and online sites. I'm happy with HiMtn for convenience and consistency.

Is that right? any one of those three?
Originally posted by Vicki B:
Yes. But 1st 2 r only the cure part of a recipe. Have fun with it!

OK, so Tenderquick/instacure #1, I still need to come up with my own spices and flavors

Himtn, and all the others that Joe mentioned, everything is done for me. I just need to add meat.?
You don't need to order TenderQuick, check at the local grocery stores or Walmart's. It will be in the spices section, come in a dark blue 2# bag. It will say Morton in big letters and you'll think it is salt, until you read the label. Check it out!

If you like the Hi mountain jerky mix, I buy mine at Cabella's, if you have one around you or check out their online store.
Originally posted by CJF28:
So, this is what I picked up from Amazon


Inferno blend

And I thought this was cool, it looks premeasured on the tenderquick I ordered

Im ready to go, right?

The Inferno Blend and other HiMtn jerky kits are $7.59 each. They often have specials and they have two sampler kits of 5 flavors each for $12.09. If you get into this, their bulk products are a big savings.
Originally posted by Vicki B:
I am glad I decided to mention it to u. I know I would have been disappointed if that were me opening the box ready to make jerky and found the wrong item. Prime shipping is a great thing. we have been members for years, I often use it for my friends as well.

Theres a group of about 8 of us that use it at work. A husband/wife actually are subscribed, and let the rest of us use it. after last yr, we all said thanks by buying their Prime for them this year.
there was absolutely no spice (heat flavor) on the jerky after smoking

Vicki B, try dusting/sprinkling some of your jerky with just your heat of choice after marinating and just before putting in the smoker. I like to grind some fresh pepper on mine. Compare and see if there's an improvement.
Mine goes into the smoker this morning. Bad timing. I was going to golf but must tend to the jerky. Disapointing there was no heat Vicky, what with all the pepper. I let mine cure for 2 days, and it smells quite spicey. Most of the brine/cure has soaked into the meat, and while I'm inclined to follow your recommendation, I'll throw it in "as is"...based on this morning's observation. The garlic batch smells quite garlicky...hope it tastes as good as it smells. Will report later.
OK. The jerky turned out pretty good. The butcher didn't cut the slices even enough so there were thinner and thicker slices producing inconsistant results. Not my best results but decent.

The "hot and spicey" jerky had some heat. The fire eaters out there would have been disappointed, but for those of us that like some heat would find it acceptable. I did cure it twice as long as Vicki, but based on her feedback I lightly sprinkled the jerky with black pepper, coarse grind, before smoking it.

The garlic jerky turned out pretty good. Sweet with a distinct garlic flavor. I, also, sprinkled the jerky lightly with more garlic before smoking it.
How thick did u cut your.meat? The cure does 1/4 inch in 24 hours. If the meat is just at 1/4 inch, I would go for 24 hours, a tad more wouldnt hurt either. I have gone much longer because I couldnt get to it (closer to 48) but the meat seemed to lose flavor. If u need to go long because u cant get to it that works, but I wiuld suggest doing the recommended time first so.u get a starting point/flavor to compare for later smokes with the same pdt. Sorry, I am on my phone and I cant always type great.I am dying to know how hot it actually comes out because.I was to chiclen to order it a while back. Have all the others though.
after 2 hours at 200 degrees like the packaging said, my inferno batch is done.

it has a little heat to it. But not much. But then again, im also the guy that eats Ghost pepper salsa, so i may have burned most of my taste buds off already.

I put the meat straight into a ziplock from the smoker. I read somewhere the condensation from the meat will help inrich the flavor. Will it help keep cooking alittle more also?

The meat did have the red coloring that was mentioned above. But the meat still seemed "soft" ? and easy to chew off? if that makes sense? It wasnt had to bite into like real tough jerky.

Ill have some more in the morning.

Also today, I got my pink salt "instacure #1". And Blairs Private reserve hot sauce. Supposedly over 1,000,000 on the scolville unit scale for hutness. My stomach has been upset all day, after just two drops on a tortilla chip.

I've never gotten my jerky to be difficult to bite through like you find in some commercial product. Tough but chewable.

Wow. One million on the Scovall Scale. That's hotter than pepper spray. I knew a couple sauces were out there that achieved widow making lethal ingestion. I just never knew anyone who tried them...or had the desire. Confused
Ouch!!!!!! That's all I have to say.

I let my jerky cool hanging in the smoker as part of the process. Afterwards I put it into the baggies. I have never tried using the condensation. Even when room temp and going into the bag, the next day the flavor is enhanced and the appearance is moister looking and more shiny. If u used a cure in the jerky u don't need to refrigerate it. I keep mine in baggies on the counter and it easily lasts over a week with no problem. I do however keep a paper towel on the bottom of the bag just to absorb any extra grease. I need to buy some of that inferno blend!!!
Originally posted by Pags:
I can't answer cure 1 for you, but I too use a wet cure for my jerky. Here it is for reference:

5 lbs sliced meat
1 cup of soy sauce
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1/4 cup of honey
1/4 cup of Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons of garlic powder
2 tablespoons of onion powder
1 tablespoon of red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon of black pepper
2 tablesppons of Morton® Tender Quick®
1 teaspoon of powdered cayenne pepper



Next batch tonight.


Yes, for the curing part, but look up the amounts of sugar and salt in tenderquick online somewhere there has to be an ingredients list. You will need to add back the sugar and salt to the recipe in the amt of tenderquick it called fo. Remember instacure 1 is just the cure. Dont forget 1 tsp to 5 pounds meat. That death stuff looks scarry, better wear gloves and eye protection Big Grin
Originally posted by Vicki B:
Yes, for the curing part, but look up the amounts of sugar and salt in tenderquick online somewhere there has to be an ingredients list. You will need to add back the sugar and salt to the recipe in the amt of tenderquick it called fo. Remember instacure 1 is just the cure. Dont forget 1 tsp to 5 pounds meat. That death stuff looks scarry, better wear gloves and eye protection Big Grin

I was actually going to copy Pags recipe just above your post. and sub in the instacure for the tenderquick. Other than that switch, i just followed it exactly.

Pags, what do you smoke it at, and for how long?

thanks Guys/Gals

Originally posted by CJF28:
I was actually going to copy Pags recipe just above your post. and sub in the instacure for the tenderquick. Other than that switch, i just followed it exactly.

Should work fine for the amount of liquid that is in that recipe. Keep good notes on the length of time in the brine for future reference.

Sounds like you like hot jerky, so right before you put the jerky on to smoke use a small dusting of cayenne pepper,not too much thou!
thanks. Ill have to order that next.

I tried pags recipe and it turned otu better than anything else I had done on my own. The only thing I would say was it was really salty. That may be my fault for doing 2 teaspoons of instacure to 5 lbs of meat. but I wanted to match Pags as much as possible, and he used 2:5 with tenderquick. so I dont know.

I know it went quick at my work, my wifes work, and apparently even my daughter snuck some to school for her friends.

I guess the chef just ends up being the pickiest.

Thanks for the help guys. Thanks for the recipe Pags.

DO NOT try to cross exchange the pink salt for tender quick, follow the instructions closely for the products. They are to different animals, TQ has sugars in it, but pink salt will only have salt and nitrites in it.

Personally, I'd not cure with the pink salt more than 24 hrs, that may have came in as a factor on the salty taste and sure would a hammy taste.

Glad to hear it is getting better thou!
Cory, its getting better if everyone is stealing it Big Grin. As I mentioned bove, u do need to adjust for sugar and salt when using Instacure. The 1 or 2 tsp of cure that u used (1 next time as u said) shouldnt make it too salty, but if there is already a lot of salt in the recipe u might have to adjust that. U also need to adjust for more sugar since instacure has none.

we are always our worst critics..My takes jerky for her frienda as well. and all my older sons friends eat it when they r here.
So, I have 3 batches marinating now, using Pags recipe. Changed a little, due to not having some things.

5 lbs sliced meat
1 cup of soy sauce
1-1/2 cup of brown sugar (didnt want to mess with honey)
1/4 cup of Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons salt
2 teaspoons minced garlic (out of garlic powder)
2 tablespoons of onion powder
1 tablespoon of red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon of black pepper
1 teaspoon instacure (dont have tenderquick)
1 teaspoon of powdered cayenne pepper

Didnt want to fight squeezing out the honey. so I replaced it with more brown sugar.

I subbed out the tenderquick for instacure. and as I learned last time, i needed to add more sweet to offset the straight salt from instacure.

I ran out of Garlic Powder, so I subbed in minced garlic instead.

so, 3 batches

1 like above
1 like above, but with 1/3 teaspoon of blairs Reserved hot sauce
1 like above, but with a cup of teriyaki added in.

Gonna smoke the Hot jerky tonight. Let you know, if I figure out what Im doing wrong.


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