My Smokette has a new home! A cart made from a Weber Genesis frame with a Stainless steel top. I've tried to get all my cookers on wheels to easily move them under cover if it rains!

quote:Here's a pic of the finished product. You may notice some of the wifes garden tools in there as well. It was a way of selling her on the project. Give a little, take a little.
I've used it twice now and it works quite well.
Thanks for the ideas.
quote:Originally posted by Pawclaws:
I was wondering if anyone else noticed that it looks like Cook Shack ought consider putting their smokers on a taller set of legs!That Rubbermaid shed; do they sell accessories such as shelving and hang up hooks with it?
quote:Originally posted by RichH:
Here is my setup
quote:Originally posted by coffeebluff:
the wall opens up, to allow access. awesome!![]()
quote:Originally posted by Capt Q:
Hello All,
I just received my 009 from Cabela's and am trying to figure out my setup. I like what RichH and Brewbek have done with the plastic sheds, and am more inclined towards the smaller one. I see RichH said to leave the chimney a couple of inches above the top vent or it will draw too much air. Does anyone else have experience with this? Brewbek, how far is your chimney above your vent - I can't tell from the pic. How much smoke are you all getting inside the shed? How has this setup been working for you. Thank you all for the information on this forum.