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TN: you have it right on. its a quentessetial wood oven. we have done baked beans, bread, and cassaroles in it, funny thing though it's perfect for pizza and we haven't made any yet. Found this via craigslist. a little pricey but handy when power is out. Hope to use it all year long.
out of all the units on the deck I tend to use the smokette most of all, less caretending, just fill it up turn it on and let it do its thing. and it puts out super eats. I guess i'm just lazy.
if anyone needs info and/or my thoughts on any of the units shown please send e-mail. I will be happy to give my thoughts or recommendations on any of them, or better yet stop by, Bring beer (German Beer) and I will give demonstrations on all of them.
Those of you that have the smoker in a cabinet or inside a building, how far above the vent do you have your tube to vent to the outside?

I have mine in my garage and have tried everything from about 3-4 inches to having something sit right on the top with enough room to allow the probes to go in.

I still get smoke in my garage, I can watch it come out of the smoker and then just go up some and come out the opening.

The oven is a Quentisential Oven. I found this on Craigslist up here in Vermont and could'nt pass it up. It is a very simple unit, there is a slide damper on the front of the firebox and that is all the control you get. Trying to keep temp below 300 you will need a smaller fire. But if you want a pizza oven it works great. Wife is doing a shepards pie in it this evening. Do a google on it you will find info. I used a tractor to put in place as it wieghs over 500 lbs so keep that in mind.
I actually use the pellet grill more than the oven unless I need a longer cooking time. and do not use a nice cassarole dish in it as it will come out very black and wifey didn't like that and you will have to beg for forgiveness...
If you have further questions send a private e-mail and I will answer them.
Nordy, I hope you don't mind but could you tell me the footprint dimension for just your BBQ Hut?

I've been planning the same kind of idea and yours has spurred me on. I like that there's 3 columns across the back and 2 in front.

Also, are you happy with the size? Does it keep everything dry in the rain? Would you do the same again, or bigger, smaller?

I wonder how far across the front you can go without a column in the middle?
It's framed with 6x6 rough cedar...

Roughly 16 x 8 feet...

I like the size for our deck/area, but if the area would tolerate it better I would go more like 16 x 10-12ish. That size just wouldn't have fit/looked right with my configuration.

The extra 2-4 feet would allow a little more room to put a bar/counter on the "near" side in the picture... It can (and probably will eventually) be done as is, but it'll be a smaller bar and not as "weatherproof" as it would be with the extra space.

As far as size... With reasonable rain everything stays pretty dry... in Oklahoma we usually get pretty good wind with rain, and taht will blow water everywhere. Overall though, I've been pretty surprised at how dry it stays under there.

No idea how far you could go without a column... these beams are really stout, but I'm sure the roof weighs a lot too!
Smoker Set-up

You should build plywood box that may not out-gas or melt if the flume smoke gets hot. Smoke must be entering from the bottom. It needs harder big bend in the tube to keep good smoke moving and keep sitting in stale smoke if anything in the smoker. It needs to raise the box up to 1/4 inch per foot on the pleanium. This will give you nice smooth smoke. Not only making a larger wood box you need to have lots of extra room to smoke more Bacon.
Originally posted by requin:
Hello, I'm new to the forum, a new Cookshack owner & here is my 25 setup.
Hi. I've been trying to find a table like that with no success. Where did you get yours?

I'm thinking of putting the smoker on the table sideways so that there's always a clean surface for the meat to fall onto if it slips off the grill when pulling it out ... not that that's ever happened to me of course <cough>
I'm also considering leaving the wheels on so it can be moved to where I need it to be.
Picked up the SM150 today, aside from the racks being a little too grubby for my liking it's areally amazing. Got three full slabs of Brisket Ribs in, they're about 23 inches long so got them on the diagonal on a rack each. Using some hickory the seller gave me. Got 4 hotel pans, 4 half hotel pans, 2 tongs, some deep 1/3 sized hotel pans, some really hefty large stainless steel bowls all for another $60.00. Gave my neighbor some of the stuff (the guy that got my SN008 and ran the power out to the deck for me..
Manufacture date of 08/2006. Really in very nice shape. So nice to not have to cut up slabs of ribs any more. I already have a cover and cold smoking baffle on order with Cookshack. It's got the old style (think 1/4 inch) sized probe plug on it. Next month for the probe. Just glad we got it here ok. My neighbor brought over a huge 2x4 and we used that laid against the steps as a ramp to push it up. Easy peasy when you got a guy helping you that knows his stuff. He's getting two racks of ribs tonight. Yeah !!
Last edited by bigmikeinnj
Thanks to a recommendation from requin, I now have a 24X48 all-stainless steel table on which to place my SM025. The wheel brakes seem to do a good job of keeping it in place, but I'm still a bit concerned about a strong gust of wind pushing it off, so I'm considering attaching some stops to the table around the wheels - maybe some bolts on each side of each wheel, or some angle-iron stops ... we'll see what I can scrounge up.

It should be interesting putting the cover on while it's that high Smiler

Next will be some tupperware plastic drawers to hold my wood and assorted tools on the shelf.


Images (1)
  • P1050458
Look for kitchen supply auctions in your area. I have been getting some great stuff for a deal. Just bought a commercial ice machine, will make 250 lbs of ice a day, got it for $600. It was a $1,495 ice machine.
Also have won, Frigidair 19 CF chest freezer that was less than 6 months old, 48" SS table, 3 compartment sink, a Cambro. Next I am looking for a commercial "True" brand 23 CF fridge, was one at the auction I won the ice maker at, but the price went to high.
I posted the pics on the "smokin's new Deck" thread, I thought I would post here as well. While not NEARLY as nice as Russ's deck, he inspired me to "redo" our deck. The old deck was 14'x24' and the new one is 25'x30'. The only thing I want to add is a Charbroiler 36!! OMG, between Russ's and Nordy's decks, ....... I think I have Deck Envy! Big Grin...... Wink

Originally posted by 2nd Hand Smoke:
Bob could the wheels be taken off?? That way it would be blowing off and it would be easier to put the cover on as well.
I do anticipate needing to drop the smoker back onto the deck at times to enable the table to be used for buffet service etc. and the wheels will make it so much easier to move it around. I'm thinking of using some bungee cords wrapped around the table legs to hold it in place.
Well do tell us, where did you get it...?? I looked for requin's recommendation but it must have been in a PM...
Yes, it was in a PM, sorry. Here's a link to the table itself. There are others on the site so do take a look around. The price on this site amazed the local restaurant suppliers I talked to, so I think it's a good deal:
I use plastic shoe boxes for wood. They stack well.
Yes, my wife has me convinced that that's the way to go. We'll be shopping for stuff for the next few weeks.
Last edited by bobbarrows
Originally posted by bigwheel:
Always wondered how the rich folks handled this kinda bizness. Mighty nice set ups on that. We go for the kind which a person can drag down the road. Gonna put some fresh air in the tires one of these days. The pit in the back ground is named Fred. I am the fat guy on the right I think.

Are you the third guy on the right? Can't tell Wink

I just got my (new to me, mfg 1997) SM008 cleaned up and painted. Installed on a heavy duty file cabinet with 4 in casters (also had to clean and paint cabinet too).  I also put in a red LED indicator light so I know when the element is heating (camera makes it look white, you can see the red color in reflection on top).

Doing a first smoke doing a dismantled turkey, using 3 oz cherry wood.  I have a new thermometer to try also- Inkbird IBT-4XS that is bluetooth and can have 4 sensors.Irst Smoke-turkeySM008 on cartLED indicator


Images (3)
  • SM008 on cart
  • SM 008- Irst Smoke-turkey
  • LED indicator
Last edited by LonzinomakerCS

I recently found a powder-coated SM008 in decent condition, however the original powder-coated stand was really rusted out - to the point the door was no longer magnetic near the edge. I put together this stand using quasi-timber frame joints. This spring it will get a sanding and oil finish. I’ll also build a pull-out bin or two which will be hung on rails below the lower shelf.


Images (1)
  • SM008 Stand: This one won’t rust.

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