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Michael Macdoanld from Calgary Alberta Canada. We smoke summer and winter. Married to the Lovely Donna with 2 kids and I love my Cookshack , Andi and Cookshack�s Donna!!!!
I bought my Cookshack because of the quality of the information in this forum and have not regretted it for one second.
Presently have a stainless 50 series and hope to move up to a bigger one soon.
Hi All,
I just bought a Smokette in early December (couldn't wait till Christmas!). I've done a few things in it: Chicken, Ribs (2x), Jerky and some Salmon. Yup, farm raised Andi, but only with the finest dog food money can buy... hehehe Big Grin

Anyway, I'm a avid hunter and fisherman and I am looking forward to smoking some venison sausage this week! I also ordered that Hi Mountain Buckboard Bacon kit -Can't wait till that comes in!

I've learned alot on this forum. Thanks everybody!!!
Hi to all the CS nation!!! My name is Micah. I was born in Asheville, North Carolina, but I have lived all my life in Australia due to the fact that my parents are Baptist missionaries. I had done a few smoked steaks on a hooded gas grill, but most of my BBQ experience has been with straight grilling until I got my Smokette 2 about 3 weeks ago. It sure made Christmas dinner a time to remember!!! I was originally just searching the net for beef jerky recipes and then came across the CS website and started looking the the different smokers and I finally decided to get one, and I am so glad I did.

Cookshack rules!!!!

Micah from Oz
Hi all,

I've been lurking here for about 6 months while contemplating buying a cookshack. Finally bit the bullet and bought a smokette. It arrived last week and I was impressed with the quality - built like a tank! I seasoned it last weekend and bought 3 slabs (3.25 pounders) of spares on sale at Safeway for $1.29/lb. Asked the butcher there if he could trim them St. Louis style. He didn't know what that was. Kind of like a mechanic not knowing how to change an alternator? Anyway, the full size ribs, cut in half, are now marinating in the fridge with 1/2 cookshack spicy chicken run and 1/2 rib rub. I'm looking forward to tomorrow! I've learned alot while lurking here so now I hope to put the knowledge to good use! Thanks for the great forum!

I'm Jack Rogers. I promote and run barbecue competitions. I am also Jim Minion's cooking partner and as Jim says we have been lucky enough to have have done pretty well the last few years. We have cooked at the Royal, Jack, and I even met Smokin Okie when we were cooking at Memphis-in-May 2002. I have been cooking for many years and have cooked on almost everything.
I'll take that challenge, Smokin'Okie!!

Hi, everyone, my name is Rich, and I am addicted to bbq (just ask my wife!) I live in California with my wife and two girls (3.5 yrs and 20 months.) I have been grilling outdoors for about 20 years (and I'm only 34), and working on my low 'n' slow technique for the last four or so (with most of my "practice" coming in the last year.)

My current cooking arsenal includes a weber kettle which I have modified, and a Klose offset. I will be getting a ceramic cooker in April which will take on all of my grilling duties as well as cooking low 'n' slow (the Weber needs some work!) Here's my modified Weber:

If I can figure out a way to sneak one into the backyard and keep it concealed, I'm very impressed by all the things I hear about the Cookshack units. Until then, I look forward to sharing tips, techniques and recipes with all of you.

Happy Q'in to you from California!

Rich G
My name is Jamie Crane and though I live in SE GA, I am a Missouri native. I own two webers a kettle and a gas. I am looking at getting a smoker soon, but not soon enough. When I am not at sea I have been known to lurk in the shadows here grabbing recipes and getting fatter! I also spend time at stangnet and avsforum. I am also a founding member of the family BBQ team 3 Hog Night. We are a local team from Canton Mo and spend as much time drinking beer as we do prepping for a contest. We have a couple trophies, but what really counts are the memories I have spending time with my Dad and brother doing what we all love: drinking beer and cooking!
Hi I am Vernon Miears, grew up in southwest Texas where mesquite is the order of the day. We live here in Austin where the family likes the urban setting, and we can just be a face in the crowd. I work for The Texas Department of Public Safety, and run a satellite earth station for them with about 1300 remote sites, some on R.V.s. I used to like to hunt till it got too expensive, fishing is ok when there is time, guns are fun, radioes and computers get most of the spare time when I am not cooking. I like to cook so much, I was warned at work for cooking steak on the clock, funny thing the boss was there and liked the meal though??? Eeker I also have a webber kettle and a double barrel offset that I built myself out of hi pressure pipe. I like my smokette only had it about two weeks. I learned about cookshack on the website. I'm sure I'll find a use for the offset, maybe a boat anchor or lawn orniment, or one of those rare moments when I want to do something exotic...I like the forum a lot of good info here.. Smiler Smiler
hello everyone,

my name is Ron and I'm from amarillo,texas have had a smokette for about 8 months best thing I ever bought!!! I am a Railroad Engineer for BNSF Railroad so I don't get to the forum to much, but get here when I can. Well gotta go check my ribs found them on sale today at united 89 cents a pound so I stocked up!!!! Smiler
Hello all,
I'm Earl from Seattle WA. Just received my Smokette Monday. Have done a couple batches of ribs, a brisket, and two pork butts are in there now. I'm very pleased with the results so far! My times are running quite a bit longer than others report on this group but it seems to be working OK. Reaches 206 when set at 200 and 257 when set on 225. Is that in the "normal" range? I know it's done when it's done!! Smiler
Thanks to everytbody for their help and ideas. I'm Chuck, from just west of Philly. Love my "Q"... and most types of cooking, with a stomach to prove it. Recently I have been investigating the possiblility of doing "Q" in a concession setting.

I don't have a CS. Had one on order and changed my mind as I wanted a bigger one. Not gonna' be easy in my township and surrounding area.

Love this forum!

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