I'm not wanting to make light of all the health issues involved,and there is probably a fine thread that can be covered at length,"somewhere else".
Charcoal ,smoke,standing outside in so. Ca,or MX,or the NE is not good for us.
I think we may be discussing how to eat a couple "happy meals" from Mc D,and a quick way to reheat the last 3,or 4 ,1/4 pounders.
Yes,there is probably a risk to eating anything,eating it with any condiment,washing it down with anything.
Wiping your mouth with any type knapkin.
Put stuff in a microwave,cover it with something,so it doesn't make a mess,eat it ,and move on.
Move ahead,go buy something,prep it someway,cook it somehow,serve it someway,eat the leftovers,or throw them away.
Man,if folks ever studied an ol' bbq joint-we wouldn't have bbq.
Thankfully,I'm old enough to eat stuff that seems good,and gamble on the remaining time.
That may be bbq and chili.

Just my strong $0.02.