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Here are the stats-

11 shipments
10 confirmed receipts

You only get counted for shipment if your box is received and commented on.

You only get counted for receipt if your box is commented on.

I did receive one PM where a box was received, a thank you was sent, but no comment in the forum. So I counted that one as completed as well.

I know many of you have commented that your box is shipped. I just want these totals to reflect completed transactions. The reason it is 1 off, is because I know I shipped, and my receipient has not received it yet. These numbers show we are half way there!

Keep in mind these numbers don't mean 10 people haven't shipped yet. They could be in transit.

Confused yet? Confused
Originally posted by David Qualls:
Now I can't wait to get home. I had to run to Chicago to take a BBQ class from Scottie Johnson ( Cancer Sucks Chicago), and Mike Wozniac (Quau)!

I will probably have new goodies to practice with when I get back!

Hope you enjoy the class David. I didn't know Scottie was having a class until I read your post earlier today. Knowing that Scottie's local, I did a little digging and found out that it's being held in Hinsdale, IL, about 5 minutes from my house. Shot Scottie an email to see if there was a spot open, and he replied that it's full. Would have been an interesting weekend, and oh so convenient. I'll have to follow him a little closer in the future.

Have a good time.
Just received my shipment from S&H. Thank you Steve for a wonderful shipment. As you can see (hopefully) Steve came up with an excellent selection of rubs and sauces including a couple of local BBQ joints special mixes. I am going to have a great time tasting all of these. I just need to talk the wife into letting me do more Que so we can sample them all. Steve, I will let you know how we like the different rubs especially the ones you said you have not tried. In case anyone is wondering about the bag of peanuts they were used for packing material and another item I will enjoy. I love raw peanuts and if I have the patience to shell a bunch I just might have to try smoking them with one of the sauces.

Again Thank you Steve. Another well thought of box of goodies.


Originally posted by dls:
Originally posted by David Qualls:
Now I can't wait to get home. I had to run to Chicago to take a BBQ class from Scottie Johnson ( Cancer Sucks Chicago), and Mike Wozniac (Quau)!

I will probably have new goodies to practice with when I get back!

Hope you enjoy the class David. I didn't know Scottie was having a class until I read your post earlier today. Knowing that Scottie's local, I did a little digging and found out that it's being held in Hinsdale, IL, about 5 minutes from my house. Shot Scottie an email to see if there was a spot open, and he replied that it's full. Would have been an interesting weekend, and oh so convenient. I'll have to follow him a little closer in the future.

Have a good time.

If I remember right there's a pretty good Que place down in Westmont, Uncle Bub's if I remember right.
To borrow an expression from Cal....WOO HOO!!

I just pulled into the driveway with Mrs. Pags from our excursion to Restaurant Depot (RD now my favorite store ahead of HD), and I look into my rearview mirror and guess what I see...a Fed EX truck. My package from iSmoke (John) arrived the same time we did.

An incredible assortment of goodies. This was better than any of my Christmas gifts this year.

3 rubs
3 sauces
1 Chow Chow pickle relish
1 seafood brine
1 barbecue magazine
3 recipes
1 bag of chex mix
1 mop and mop bucket
3 informative notes and backgrounds

It took me a couple minutes to get Mrs. Pags and my daughter's hands out of the Chex Mix bag long enough to take a photo. Best Chex Mix I've eaten. One of the recipes was for the mix. We'll do it again.

Also, included was some history/background on the Split T Hamburger Restaurant where John went with his wife when they first started dating back in 1985. The Theta Hickory Sauce is from the Split T. Evidently, iSmoke and Mrs. iSmoke liked the sauce so well, they decided to get married. Big Grin It was nice of John to share one of his favorite sauces and the history and memories behind it. I look forward to using it.

I came home from RD with some nice looking salmon to brine and smoke. Smiler The seafood brine couldn't have been better timed.

Thank you John for the rubs/sauces/etc and all the notes, recipes and histories. Your package was very thoughtful.


PS Padrefan...this has been a kick.
PPS Think I'll have some Chex Mix.
PPPS Thanks for supporting this Smokin.
Last edited by pags

Another fine haul you got there Pags.

Ya know, this has been the second time someone mentioned Christmas, too bad we didn't do this around Christmas or Thanksgiving time.

It has been nice/kind of Smokin' to support this forum effort.Who would have thought it would have made grown men/women feel like kids again,oh well! Wonder if there are some folks that kinda feel like they made a mistake by not joining the fun?
Originally posted by cal:
Did Gary put an ingredients list on that rub, if not, would you mind sharing the rub? I got some CS spices from the class I'd trade 3 for 1!

Well, the first ingredient listed is turbinado sugar and the last is spices.

Too funny, what started out as a simple sauce/rub exchange has turned into shipping patio furniture cross country and now. Hey! I'll trade you some of your rub for some of my rub.

Love it! Thanks Padrefan for setting this up. This is a riot!

And Cal, sure, I'll trade ya half of it.
I have to say it is hard to out do a SmokinOkie. With a little prod from Tim with his Burnt at Both Endz Bar Table leave it to Russ to generously donate an exact duplicate of his new Outdoor Paradise Deck to be delivered and setup here in Arizona. While I am overwhelmed by the gesture of BBQ friendliness I must gratefully decline as I am too lazy to upkeep a deck with such grandeur. I do thank you for your kind thoughts and do hope you understand.

Now to the box that arrived today and made me wait like a 10 year old on Christmas Eve to open till I got home tonight from this same Okie, not to be outdone again. Upon opening there is a nice detailed letter with contents and description of items with the note, “Please feel free to share with people what you got, just not all the details below about “Secrets”. Then there was a little story about the Mafia Treatment and Chinese Water Torture which is classified as secret. I am almost scared to look into the box! But I am a 10 year old at Christmas so I peek..

SCORE! A ziplock with red powder, looks like paprika-----Utoh it is marked THE SECRET and I can’t tell you but let me tell you it is nice.

Double SCORRE! Another Ziplock with brown Powder, looks like Brown Sugar----Utoh it is marked with classified Secret Again. Russ I had no idea they made something like this, Thanks and I did not tell them so my knees are ok?

Maybe Score! I see a canister of Cookshack Chili Mix, HMMM, this is a Cookshack Forum and we all got a canister when we bought. Wait a minute I have bought 3 Cookshack Smokers and while I received the Chili mix with each to be honest I have never tried it and always gave it away. Silly me and will now try it for the first time with your recommendation. Thanks for opening my eyes and be assured I will post with my trial. Thanks

Digging deaper I find some Mean Deans Rub and look forward to using it and sharing my experience with it upon clarification to the secret rule from Smokin as it said was a secret!

My palms are sweaty now looking at a bottle of Salt Lick Mustard Sauce and can’t wait to try my first Mustard sauce. No secrets here that I have never tried it and this will be special.

I dug deeper and found a Bottle of Agave Nectar with a note to try it in place of honey and I will and did. Who would have thought a plant that makes Tequila could replicate bee spit. You are a wealth of knowledge Mr. Okie. Thanks again

Score again a set of marinades from Daddy Hinkle’s, one dry and one wet, see no secrets and can’t wait to try. I will post what I cook and my thoughts if it is ok.

Is there and end to this miracle box? I don’t think so as I now see a bottle of The Slab’s Sauce, Kyle Style. This is not your everyday BBQ Sauce nor is Kyle your everyday neighbor. The sauce is out there and I think it would be a great competition flavor just as my friend Kyle is hard to describe but does good in competitions. To be honest I have never tried this sauce either and I did enjoy it. Just don’t tell Kyle.

Smokin had two finish acts with a ziplock of Homemade Smoked Chex Mix which won’t make the pictures and you will only be allowed to see the bag for security purposes and I finished it while I typed this. The last addition which makes this the best box was a wonderful Thunder Glass which was included which is a plastic vessel insulated by air with a embroidered logo in yarn wedged within about 20 ounces. Ya, If you read this post I filled it with Jim Beam and 7up before typing. I did enjoy with no broken legs. Thanks SmokinOkie! Pictures to follow when I learn how or sober up….

Moderator post (I moved the photo I posted since you now have it)

Last edited by Former Member
I am quite stoked about trying these new rubs and sauces. I'm always on a quest for a better flavor profile. I think that the California taste may be the new taste of champions. I picked up some apple habanero jelly from a booth at the Palm Springs Street Fair and it has done some nice things to augment and enhance some things I've been playing with in the pork categories. You know what you might stumble on with spices and such!
Well my box was sent out by my wife last Thursday and is to be delivered Monday. We live 45 miles from the UPS store and she wanted them to do the packing so the glass jars included made the trip safe and sound. Ya know it does get a little windy in the Windy City area. I am already planning for the next time we do this. I can only imagine how big these boxes will get with time???
Life was a little volatile this past week, but I finally got my box out yesterday. Headed West via FedEx.

Also, I opened the front door this morning to get the newspaper, and there sat a box from JerinVA. It must have been delivered late yesterday when no one was at home. I didn't get home until after dark so didn't see it on the porch as I drove in.

My wife has a cold and is sleeping in a little later this morning, and I'm waiting for her to wake up before we open it. I'm getting a Christmas like anxiety.

Thanks so much Jerry. I appreciate it and will get back after we open it. Now I have to figure out where my camera charger is.
Originally posted by Pags:
...The Theta Hickory Sauce is from the Split T. Evidently, iSmoke and Mrs.

I sent some of that in my package also. It's only recently come on the market, I met the people when they started distributing it. Dip a burger in the sauce (warm it up) and that's what you have, the Split T. It's kinda a local thing, perfect idea for these exchanges. Funny two of us sent that out, guess we like it.
Originally posted by route66:
...note, “Please feel free to share with people what you got, just not all the details below about “Secrets”. Then there was a little story about the Mafia Treatment and Chinese Water Torture which is classified as secret. I am almost scared to look into the box!

Okay, so when those guys from the CIA show up, don't say I didn't warn you... some people just can't stay quiet....

Glad you liked it. Its actually pretty difficult to send these packages out and look for unique, especially comp guys who have probably tried everything.

FYI, I posted a picture earlier if that helps you, so I did show the stuff.

That red stuff and brown stuff should be fun for you to experiment with a little.

And that Tervis Tumbler is awesome (Go Thunder) and we have a bunch of those around the house. Enjoy!
Received a selection of local (Missouri) and KC sauces along with a treasured homemade rub (including the recipe), a bag of wonderful, very hot almonds, and a european-style oval BBQ sticker from Gailmo this afternoon.

Mrs. SmokinMAINEiac tackled the bag of almonds as soon as it was unpacked, munched a handful, then said "Phew! These are *spicey*", then dove in for another handful. They are sneaky hot Smiler...and Gailmo gave me her recipe!

I very much appreciated the nice letter Gailmo sent telling me of her life in MO and of her BBQ and travel adventures. It was great to learn about a fellow forum member in much greater detail.

Thanks for making my day Gailmo!
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
I gotta say, you guys set the bar high. We might intimidate some people because after all SOME people are always trying to out perform others.

Congrats everyone, those are some great boxes. Looking forward to seeing more of them.

All I can say is I'm sure glad I did not sit on the side lines this time. This has been great. Que'n RN sent some of the best tasting almonds(recipe coming) that I have ever had. The sauce is wonderful. When can we do it again?????
We opened the box from JerinVA a little while ago, and what a really great surprise. The box contained the following:

- 2 rubs from Dizzy Pig - Raging River and Dizzy Dust
- 2 rubs from Cluck & Squeal - All Purpose and Rib Formula
- 1 rub and 1 sauce from Tasty Licks - Original Smokin' Good BBQ Rub and Smokin' Guitar Players Secret Sauce
- 1 silicone basting brush

I've heard of Dizzy Pig in the past, but none the others. Having never used any of them it's it will be fun trying them out. I sometimes get stuck in a rut of constantly using the same old familiar rubs and sauces so this is a perfect gift for me.

The silicone brush is a great thought also. I'm down to my last one, but it has a much longer and awkward handle. The size of the handle on the one you sent is much better.

We have salmon defrosting for dinner tonight, and now I've changed my plans. I was looking at the Dizzy Pig website and found a recipe for Raging River Salmon so that's what we will be doing. Lay on a coating of the Raging River rub, then smoke and finish with a blended glaze of melted butter and maple syrup.

Jerry, thanks again for a very thoughtful gift package. It's certainly appreciated.

I need to give another shout out to Padrefan98 for proposing this exchange, coordinating it, and pulling it off very successfully. The original thread about the exchange started Jan. 26 and with threads associated to the subject there have been 586 posts at this point. It's been a lot of fun giving, receiving, and seeing what others are doing. Thanks a lot

After all this time I still haven't figured out how to post a photo as a part of a reply so see link below for pic.


Images (1)
  • Lyons-20120218-15
Last edited by dls
Nice package and good looking pastry/basting brush. With the nice handle it looks like it may have a replaceable brush for the gift that keeps giving.

I'm smoking/grilling a big honking rib eye steak for dinner tonight (wife and kids are having enchiladas). I hit it with Lea & Perkins, and instead of Montreal Steak Seasoning, I rubbed and sprinkled the rib eye with the Big Nasty Beef Rub that iSmoke sent me. Says his brother-in-law, a longtime Cookshack owner, loves it so I'm psyched. Sitting in the fridge now.

Also, doing BBQ baked beans and will use iSmoke's Sweet Spirit Foods Barbecue Sauce, a local fund raiser sauce sold in front of local businesses. It just passed the finger test. Not sweet with a little kick to it.
Last edited by pags
Dizzy pig is local to northern Virginia and their retail store is in Manassas Virginia. One of the best offerings they have is the ability to get a sampler pack of all their runs. I use and enjoy all the DP rubs that I have tried so far.

The chuck and squeel rubs are made by a guy in Canada who is a part of the Big Green Egg forum. I have used the chicken rub and it is really nice.

The tasty licks rub and sauce is made in Penn. about 2+ hours from me. I really enjoy the sauce on chicken. I haven't tried the rub but have a bottle for myself to try.

I hope your salmon turns out great. I havent tried the raging river yet and picked up a bottle for myself when I got yours.


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