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Originally posted by Joe M:
My only concern is that February can be bad/freezing weather in some parts of the country (I'm from PA). I worry about frozen/exploded bottles of sauce.

Agreed. This year we've had a VERY mild winter, temps mostly in the 30's & 40's. Usually in February it below zero. That would be my only concern as well.
We have two members awaiting packages. 2nd Hand smoke and myself. Both senders of these two packages by communication directly to me or this forum have confirmed the packages are on it's way. Once those two packages are received we can celebrate a 100% success rate. Congrats to all who participated! And thank you all for making this a success. Smiler
Originally posted by Cook One:
Mine is on the way to 2nd hand smoke, I was waiting on a delivery, sorry I'm next to last. Will not happen again

No problem at all cause good things come to those who wait!!! No apology needed for me. It will be here to use for the weekend. Will probably be doing a couple PB's and some more ribs on the FEC. I would venture to say that this group will be smoking several hundred lbs of meat to try out all of the new goodies we received?? Again a big thanks to Padre Fan. Sure hope lots of us can attend the reunion. Would be great to meet all of you!!
Originally posted by 2nd Hand Smoke:
Originally posted by Cook One:
Mine is on the way to 2nd hand smoke, I was waiting on a delivery, sorry I'm next to last. Will not happen again

No problem at all cause good things come to those who wait!!! No apology needed for me. It will be here to use for the weekend. Will probably be doing a couple PB's and some more ribs on the FEC. I would venture to say that this group will be smoking several hundred lbs of meat to try out all of the new goodies we received?? Again a big thanks to Padre Fan. Sure hope lots of us can attend the reunion. Would be great to meet all of you!!

I hope it's warm enough for a couple of T shirts as well, so no long sleeve in this box.
Originally posted by Padrefan98:
Originally posted by Cook One:
Mine is on the way to 2nd hand smoke, I was waiting on a delivery, sorry I'm next to last. Will not happen again

Hey Cook, no apology needed. You shipped before the deadline. Plus you were waiting for something to arrive. I say you did just as fine a job as any, in my book.

I totally agree and it's comin to me anyway so like I said earlier good things come to those who wait!! We are all friends on this forum anyway. Maybe I will have braging rights to the last box?
Originally posted by 2nd Hand Smoke:
Originally posted by Padrefan98:
Originally posted by Cook One:
Mine is on the way to 2nd hand smoke, I was waiting on a delivery, sorry I'm next to last. Will not happen again

Hey Cook, no apology needed. You shipped before the deadline. Plus you were waiting for something to arrive. I say you did just as fine a job as any, in my book.

I totally agree and it's comin to me anyway so like I said earlier good things come to those who wait!! We are all friends on this forum anyway. Maybe I will have braging rights to the last box?

Hey, I want those bragging rights!!! I hope my box is last!
Originally posted by Padrefan98:
We have two members awaiting packages. 2nd Hand smoke and myself. Both senders of these two packages by communication directly to me or this forum have confirmed the packages are on it's way. Once those two packages are received we can celebrate a 100% success rate. Congrats to all who participated! And thank you all for making this a success. Smiler

Hmmm... Seems like there are less than 19 pics in this thread. Who didn't take pics and post them up??? We all want to see!
I tried a burger tonight with the Split-T Theta Hickory Sauce tonight and it was great! It is kinda Ketchup, Tomato Paste with a little sweet and with a burger is fun food! I wish I had made fries as this would have made it better. Had so much fun I forgot to take pictures but Theta Hickory Sauce makes a burger special. I can't wait to try the other gifts in my box and will remember to take some pictures to share.I think my first Cookshack Chili is coming soon!
Last edited by Former Member
Originally posted by route66:
I tried a burger tonight with the Split-T Theta Hickory Sauce tonight and it was great!...Cookshack Chili is coming soon!

Glad you like it. It's like a really potent ketchup with lots of flavor. Sorry you already had the Chili, but maybe this will get to you finally try it Wink

As for the lack of photos, I might be the hold up.

I've got photos sent to me, just need time to upload them for people. Give me a day or so.
Originally posted by Joe M:
I smoked pecans and almonds yesterday using the Smoking Guns HOT and the Cimarron Docs Sweet rubs. They came out great. Next time I will use more. I went a little light because my wife doesn't like things spicy. The Hot is more like medium and has great flavor. The only downside to the Cimarron Docs is MSG.

Made some ribs a few weeks back using Smokin Guns HOT on one rack and MILD on a second rack. Both my daughter and I couldn't tell the difference between the two. And Smokin Guns also has MSG in it.
Originally posted by Pags:
I came home from golf and asked, "Where are the smoked Chex Mix I got from the rub/sauce exchange?" Gone. Evaporato. Kapute. After complaining about only getting a small taste, my wife and daughter told me, "You snooze, you lose!" Eeker Good thing iSmoke sent me the recipe.

iSmoke/Pags, any chance we could see the recipe?
Made 5 pcs boneless skinless chicken breast on the pg 500 tonight.
Used my 3 new rubs, each on one peice of chicken. The other 2 pcs got John Henrys Mohave Garlic which is the wifes favorite on chicken-- hey had to keep the wife happy.

The three Rubs were.
Smokin Guns, Dr bbq Big Time and 17th st Magic Dust.

They all were great and had such different flavors. Oddly enough my favorite by just finger test was the Dr Bbq but on the chicken it actually came in third place for me.

The 17th st magic dust took 1st followed by a close 2nd with the Smokin Guns.

I still love the taste of the Dr Bbq Big Time and thinking it would be much nicer on a butt.

Funny thing is the other day when I had my wife finger test the rubs her favorite at the time was the Dr bbq and when she tasted the Smokin Guns she said "oh thats horrible" well guess which one was her favorite on chicken -- smokin guns.

Next test will be Habenero Death Dust and some Smoque sauce from my birth place Chicago.

Thanks again Andy for introducing me to these new fine rubs. And again thanks Padre, Smokin and CS,this truly has been fun.

Glad you liked them. I'm not surprised you liked the Magic Dust on the chicken, so do I. Something about paprika that seems to go real well with chicken. Actually I don't think I've ever tried the Dr. BBQ rub on chicken though. I do like it on a butt. Can't wait to hear about the death dust, put some on some pork chops a few days ago. WOW!
Originally posted by Joe M:
Originally posted by Pags:
I came home from golf and asked, "Where are the smoked Chex Mix I got from the rub/sauce exchange?" Gone. Evaporato. Kapute. After complaining about only getting a small taste, my wife and daughter told me, "You snooze, you lose!" Eeker Good thing iSmoke sent me the recipe.

iSmoke/Pags, any chance we could see the recipe?

I have it on my work computer. Will cut and paste it Thursday.

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