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Originally posted by AndyJ:
Hmmm... President's Day. Does that count as a holiday for FedEx? Hopefully not.

Just opened an Awesome box from Andy.
Can't wait to get home and sort it all out.
I'll take some pictures and post them up tonight. Had to run the box out to my truck to keep my co-workers grubby hands off.

Thanks Andy. I have not seen or tried any of these before and looking forward to it.
Originally posted by AndyJ:
Glad you liked it. Now the real test will be how you like the Que made with them.

Wow great box with some great tasting rubs. Andy I'm gonna need some direction on these as what to use them on.

I haven't opened the sauce's yet to finger taste them. They are made in Chicago by SMOQUE. 1--original and 1 spicy.

The last one is Habenero Death Dust. I like it hot so excited to try this one out as well.All kinds of warnings on package about using gloves, resperitor,hazmat suit when opening--lol

Also got a nice bag of wood chunks.I'm not familiar with the species.

Thanks Andy. I'm excited to try these out. I've really been stuck in the mode of not trying new things and just using John Henry on everything. This is going to make it more exciting.Thanks again to Padre for putting this together,its been allot of fun.
Whoops, I guess I forgot to put the info sheet in the box. The Dr. BBQ rub and the Magic dust are homemade. Recipes in Dr. BBQ's and Mike Mills cookbooks. Let me know if you want the recipes for them. I've been using the DR. BBQ rub and his spicy rub as my go to rubs.

I recently saw an episode of United Tastes of America on the Cooking network, they were at the American Royal. Tuffy Stone & the Pellet Envy team both use the Smoking Guns rub as their standard rub, so I figured I'd try it out.

The BBQ sauces are from a local Que joint called Smoque, actually one of the better places in the city.

As for the Habanero Death Dust... What can I say, was buying some rubs from Oakridge BBQ and ran across this one. Couldn't pass it up. Gotta say, that is the spiciest rub I've come across yet. And the wood chunks are Orange wood.
Originally posted by AndyJ:
Whoops, I guess I forgot to put the info sheet in the box. The Dr. BBQ rub and the Magic dust are homemade. Recipes in Dr. BBQ's and Mike Mills cookbooks. Let me know if you want the recipes for them. I've been using the DR. BBQ rub and his spicy rub as my go to rubs.

I recently saw an episode of United Tastes of America on the Cooking network, they were at the American Royal. Tuffy Stone & the Pellet Envy team both use the Smoking Guns rub as their standard rub, so I figured I'd try it out.

Andy I would love to have the recipes for your rubs if you want to PM me? Can the Smokin Guns rub be bought online? I would sure like to try it.
Thanks to Kim (2nd Hand Smoke) for the 23 lb box that arrived at my door today! Inside I found the following:

-A combination of rubs from, as well as a homemade rub.

-Three homemade sauces, including two red sauces (one hot and one sweet) and a mustard sauce that I'm really anxious to try. I haven't had a lot of mustard sauces, so this will be a new experience for sure.

-Two jarred sauces, including a Bayou Bourbon Glaze and a sweet BBQ sauce from

-On top of all that, I also received a jar each of homemade dill and sweet relish. The sweet is electric green, which will go very nicely on a Chicago Style Hot Dog. I also received two jars of homemade peach preserves, which my 5-year old will be very thrilled about. Will be perfect for pancakes or waffles in the a.m.

An image of what I received is below.

A huge thank you to Kim, as he clearly put a lot of time and hard work into this exchange. I guess the bad news is that if I like a lot of what I was sent I'm screwed, because it's mostly homemade. Smiler

I'll be sure to report back as I use the various contents of the box. And, a huge thank you again to Padrefan for getting us all motivated to do this. I think we're all very pleased so far with what we've received.

Last edited by stevechris10sen
Originally posted by SteveChris10sen:
I guess the bad news is that if I like a lot of what I was sent I'm screwed, because it's mostly homemade. Smiler

Steve so happy to hear you received the package. If you like the homemade sauces and rubs I will be happy to send you the recipes. My wife also said she would be pleased to send you more peach preserves. Enjoy and keep me posted.
Originally posted by 2nd Hand Smoke:
Andy I would love to have the recipes for your rubs if you want to PM me? Can the Smokin Guns rub be bought online? I would sure like to try it.

Well, I Googled the recipes and they are all over the net. So, while I don't have specific permission I think it's safe to post them here. Russ, time to put on your moderators hat and decide if they should stay up or not. Smiler I'll post them in the Favorite Recipes section. If Russ decides they shouldn't be here, I can either PM anyone who wants it or I can post a link to one of the sites.

The Smoking Guns rubs are available here.
In addition to thanks to Padrefan98 and SmokinOkie for getting us out of our "BBQ ruts", I want to thank Cookshack for their great equipment, great customer support, and their support of this site. Non CS users have to spend more time/effort to ensure their meat is cooked/smoked properly. We have more time to experiment with rubs, sauces, brines, and marinades. THANKS COOKSHACK AND FORUM MEMBERS!
I agree Joe and also want to thank Padrefan for getting this going and Smokin for his time in what he does on this site! I also agree that Cook Shack has awesome equipment!! I smoked on several types of smokers and think that my FEC100 is by far and away the best I have ever used!!!! Thanks Cook Shack for the awesome company that you are and I am blessed to have found you.
Those last few boxes look great as well as all the rest. Great work guys and gals!

If anyone is waiting for a box please PM me so I can get a status from your sender. I don't have my sheet with me. I will work on it at work this morning. My sender notified me last week that mine is on the way and I am tracking it. Should be here today or tomorrow. I am so excited, like a kid going to disneyland. I would really be impressed if I am the last one. You all have been on top of it.
Andy, thanks for posting the recipes. I really like the big time rub and will try it
out this weekend. Was curious what you use the 17th st rub on.
Think I might try that one on a brisket.

Originally posted by AndyJ:
Originally posted by 2nd Hand Smoke:
Andy I would love to have the recipes for your rubs if you want to PM me? Can the Smokin Guns rub be bought online? I would sure like to try it.

Well, I Googled the recipes and they are all over the net. So, while I don't have specific permission I think it's safe to post them here. Russ, time to put on your moderators hat and decide if they should stay up or not. Smiler I'll post them in the Favorite Recipes section. If Russ decides they shouldn't be here, I can either PM anyone who wants it or I can post a link to one of the sites.

The Smoking Guns rubs are available here.
Originally posted by SteveChris10sen:
Because I'm still trying to figure out how to post a picture in the post, I'm including this URL ( has an image of what I received.

I looked and FLICKR seems to be one of those sites that doesn't give you direct linking URL (they want you to visit their site instead). I tried to right click on the photo to get a direct URL to the photo but couldn't find one.

I'm working on some ideas for the future and image posting, just need a little time to sort it all out.

Originally posted by AndyJ:
HA! dls, did you include Smoque sauce in your box too?

Nope, but I thought about it. Their sauces seem to have changed somewhat since the early days, and I guess I prefer the prior ones. So, I took a different local route based upon my taste preferences, which may absolutely nothing in common with the unknown preferences of my recipient. We're all kind of winging here to one degree or another.
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:

I looked and FLICKR seems to be one of those sites that doesn't give you direct linking URL (they want you to visit their site instead). I tried to right click on the photo to get a direct URL to the photo but couldn't find one.


Russ - Try right clicking the thumb nail on the right side of the main picture.
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
PadreFan did an AWESOME job for getting this started.

Let's have a virtual round of applause...

Now we have to figure out the timing of the next one. I'm not sure how often to do it, but I need a little time to cook with what I have, so my guess would maybe be quarterly???

Agree to the AWESOME job PadreFan did with the organization and handling of the exchange.

As to Smokin suggesting a quarterly exchange, I'll be lucky to even get to test all my rubs within a quarter. LOL. But I'm game for when ever the next exchange may occur.

Now off to planning some cooks.

Some of you have mentioned semi-anual which to me makes more sense then quarterly. I still think we are going to be talking about this one for a couple of more months as we try our rubs, sauces, bar tables, jams, beer, etc. I think the timing of this one was perfect so without any objections I think February is a lock for next year.

Without knowing your competition schedules or how many of you compete, or if that even matters, I would like to propose our next one take place in September, October or November. October would get my vote, but let's discuss. September would make it just about even at every 6 months.

I appreciate the applause and the gratitude. Running this has been rather easy. If anyone would like to be the organizer of the next one or future ones, just let me know. I would be happy to let someone else have all the fun. You do have to have a desire for a little stress of deciding the fate of your participants, however in the end it turned out rather rewarding.
Originally posted by "The Great One(Padrefan)"
If anyone would like to be the organizer of the next one or future ones, just let me know.

Not a chance for me, I'd have BIG problems filling the shoes of "The Great One"!!!(as I now get up from kneeling)...besides you have a good idea of who sent to who, so the next one we will not get the exact same persons.

Semi-annual vote here.
Originally posted by Padrefan98:
Cal- Oh this is fun. I like spreadsheets and pie charts. Haha!

Hey I like pie charts to....especially cherry,strawberry and apple. Maybe we could start a pie exchange as well. My fave 2 kinds are hot and cold pies!!!!! My wife does have apples and peaches home canned especially for making pies. They have all the ingredients needed so all you do is add to a pie crust and bake.

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