hi to all at the forum. jack foley is the name from spring hill florida. my wife rita and i are retired O.T.R. truck drivers. new to forum but have used many a smoker that we built over the years. looking at buying a 08 an need feedback on this unit.what comes with it,what all can be done on it etc. could use recipes for mullet-shark-redfish etc. also any info on consession trailers,plans-sales so on. this is the best forum i have ever looked at and hope to ck.it out often.
thanks jack&rita foley
Former Member
Hi all, another newcomer here. Name is Craig from Erie, PA. Do all kinds of outdoor cooking, grilling, smoking in all weather. Have a homemade offset smoker, 2 table-top Sunbeam gas grills for tailgating, a Weber kettle, a Fiesta gas grill, as well as a wood stove that's used for primary heating but has seen many a meal in the grill basket. Do a lot of outdoor cooking at camp (20 miles outside town) in an old fashioned stone fireplace that can used in a multitude of ways. I am a semi-retired Chef/Restaurant Consultant and operate my own catering business. New to the forums but plan on spending more time here. Looks like a great site!!
Former Member
Hello...new member here, been reading the forum for several months. My name is Dan, I work for Lockheed Martin as a Network Administrator for NASA for 30+ years. Live just south of Baltimore Maryland.
I have learned a lot from my fellow members and would like to say thank you!!! I cater occasionally but would like to get into the culinary field more professionally.
This is my cooking arsonal......
And this is me!!
I'm married with children and smoke, grill, stir fry, do low-country boils year round.....
This is a very great forum, I hope to contribute to other members. I've also been recruiting other guys here at work into the Smoking World!!
I have learned a lot from my fellow members and would like to say thank you!!! I cater occasionally but would like to get into the culinary field more professionally.
This is my cooking arsonal......
And this is me!!
I'm married with children and smoke, grill, stir fry, do low-country boils year round.....
This is a very great forum, I hope to contribute to other members. I've also been recruiting other guys here at work into the Smoking World!!
Hi everyone, David A. living in Italy. I have been smok'n for a while, but recently decided to move up and learn how the pro's do it. I am awaiting my CS 09. should be here by early April. I am reading the forum daily. trying to learn as much as I can.
Hi Smokin�
arkansasQer here. We traveled a good bit over the years, including a brief stay in your state, (Chickasha). Mostly mid-west though and recent retirement to Florida. Four hurricanes were enough for us and we�re back in (our home state) north central Arkansas. We bleed Hog Red when it comes to football and basketball, even though we�ve not had a great deal to cheer about the past couple of years. Better times are a comin��.GO HOG�S!
I�ve been around this forum for a few weeks, long enough to do some ribs, brisket, and butt on my new CookShack Smokette, all of which were near perfect.
Great bunch of folks on this forum and lots of good hints, helps and ideas. I�m fine-tuning my technique, keeping notes as to what worked and what needs further �tuning� and looking forward to my next �smoke.�
arkansasQer here. We traveled a good bit over the years, including a brief stay in your state, (Chickasha). Mostly mid-west though and recent retirement to Florida. Four hurricanes were enough for us and we�re back in (our home state) north central Arkansas. We bleed Hog Red when it comes to football and basketball, even though we�ve not had a great deal to cheer about the past couple of years. Better times are a comin��.GO HOG�S!
I�ve been around this forum for a few weeks, long enough to do some ribs, brisket, and butt on my new CookShack Smokette, all of which were near perfect.
Great bunch of folks on this forum and lots of good hints, helps and ideas. I�m fine-tuning my technique, keeping notes as to what worked and what needs further �tuning� and looking forward to my next �smoke.�
Former Member
My name is Scott and I live in Nebraska but grew up in N Alabama. The barbeque here is not very good compared to Alabama. So I have been a student of the forum and have recieved some great advise over the last several years, I also have gotton rid of several wood smokers and now have a model 50 and a 150 cookshack and also a WSM bullit. I rarely chime in unless I have a little different slant on things. The advise on the forum is super and usually from real Q experts. I also like using Cookshacks Spicy chicken rub on many things.
Hey, Scooter...
I may be the only on on here who knows where Fulterton, NE is...not far from Kearney. I've got family there.
I may be the only on on here who knows where Fulterton, NE is...not far from Kearney. I've got family there.
Former Member
Hello everyone. New member here. Been flying for the Air Force for the last 25 years. Flying Hot Air Balloons, cooking and eating are some of my hobbies, but not always in that order. Just bought my smokette at the National Fiery Foods and Barbecue Show. Can't wait for the first plate of Q. Thanks to everyone for the Forum!
Former Member
smokintim here,
Found this forum through google, and it looked worth it. Seems you guy's know a thing or 2 about BBQ. Been que'n for about 5 years now. Was using a vertical Brinkman for a few years, finally got fed up with trying to control the heat, and finally built a horizontal off-set myself. Still breaking it in. I only love one thing more than good BBQ, especially my own, and that's my family!
Found this forum through google, and it looked worth it. Seems you guy's know a thing or 2 about BBQ. Been que'n for about 5 years now. Was using a vertical Brinkman for a few years, finally got fed up with trying to control the heat, and finally built a horizontal off-set myself. Still breaking it in. I only love one thing more than good BBQ, especially my own, and that's my family!
Former Member
Found this forum and others surfing with Google. Essentially I have found out that I don't know crap from shinola about bbq/smokin/etc. I have also done pretty much every "NEVER DO THIS..." a fella can do. I am retired military. We've settled in rural Missouri. Really appreciate of everyone sharing tips and Q wisdom. Don't have a smoker yet. Leaning toward the WSM. OTOH I have neighbors out here that have welded custom pits from 500gal propane tanks. I'll let you know how my first butt,rib,shoulder,brisket,tri-tip attempt turns out.
Former Member
hello I am Boznad new smokett 008 owner and am looking forward meeting you all
I'm Dave G. Just got my smokette two weeks ago. Have grilled for years but got turned onto smoking by a friend at church. He owned two BBQ restaurants - one in Houston and the other in CT. and has a smokette at home (he's now retired). I tasted his brisket and ribs and knew I had to get my own smoker. Northern NJ is where I live and work (attorney).
Former Member
Great to see everyone signing in, quite an interesting group. How the newbies will jump in and post...promise we'll help!
Former Member
Eric - between coaching kids sports and home projects, I needed another hobby to annoy the wife. Got the smoker (an ECB) as a prize at work and decided I can cook anything on anything, and I can. Look forward to learning even more...
I am a lurker from L.A. (Lower Alabama). I have enjoyed reading ya'lls posts on all the different smoking techniques. I have one homemade 38" long horizontal grill, one homemade 54" long offset grill, and a CooknCajun water smoker. As ya can tell, I like to BBQ also. My bride of 26 years has told me, if ya are so impressed with the Cookshack Smoker, get ya one. See, this forum sells. I would like to ask a question though. I love the SmokinOkie 101 Series. I read a message where there was going to be a University of Q and part of that was a 202 Series. I think this was a message from several years ago. Whatever happened to it?
Former Member
My name is Andy.
My cooking background is mostly grilling. From indirect charcoal days with a Weber in the 1980s to my propane Weber today.
I became intrigued with slow cooking BBQ after seeing a BBQ competition marathon on The Food Network last summer/fall. That lead me to try to get make pulled pork using my propane grill.
I tried this for a couple months. In that time, I got a method down, doing brining, developing rubs, etc. and with a lot of help from my father-in-law (who is a master of slow cooking on the regular Weber kettle).
The meat was great, but never quite pullable. I just couldn't give it enough time to get that tender. Also, I couldn't really add a lot of smoke flavor, because I could never get wood to burn reliably in the grill. Add to that burning up a lot of propane over the course of hours of slow grilling. It was also hard to get the grill to go as low as I wanted it too (only one burner at minimum setting would get me to 225 on a good day). I figured there had to be an easier solution.
The Smokette is a godsend. Got my Smokette 008 less than a month ago and have had nothing but success.
My cooking background is mostly grilling. From indirect charcoal days with a Weber in the 1980s to my propane Weber today.
I became intrigued with slow cooking BBQ after seeing a BBQ competition marathon on The Food Network last summer/fall. That lead me to try to get make pulled pork using my propane grill.
I tried this for a couple months. In that time, I got a method down, doing brining, developing rubs, etc. and with a lot of help from my father-in-law (who is a master of slow cooking on the regular Weber kettle).
The meat was great, but never quite pullable. I just couldn't give it enough time to get that tender. Also, I couldn't really add a lot of smoke flavor, because I could never get wood to burn reliably in the grill. Add to that burning up a lot of propane over the course of hours of slow grilling. It was also hard to get the grill to go as low as I wanted it too (only one burner at minimum setting would get me to 225 on a good day). I figured there had to be an easier solution.
The Smokette is a godsend. Got my Smokette 008 less than a month ago and have had nothing but success.
Former Member
Hello All,
Our new Smokette will be here Monday, can't wait!. We've been looking around for awhile for the perfect smoker, not as easy feat as we are fulltime RVer's! The smokette looks perfect as it's so compact, and of course the reviews were outstanding.
Our new Smokette will be here Monday, can't wait!. We've been looking around for awhile for the perfect smoker, not as easy feat as we are fulltime RVer's! The smokette looks perfect as it's so compact, and of course the reviews were outstanding.
Former Member
CJ, How about mounting your new CS on the back of the RV? Would you not be able to drive and smoke at the same time?
Former Member
Hmm... well yes I suppose if we ran the generatorquote:Originally posted by RaiderBill Largo, Fl:
[qb] CJ, How about mounting your new CS on the back of the RV? Would you not be able to drive and smoke at the same time? [/qb]

Former Member
MAybe a DC to AC converter? They make them in some hefty Wattages.
Former Member
LOL I think we can wait til we park, I'd rather tease everyone in the campground with the heavenly aroma 

Former Member
My name is Jeff from West Des Moines, Iowa. I've been a CS owner for about 6 months or so. I've been lurking about the forum ever since but just recently joined. I've become almost obsessive about Q since buying the CS Smokette. I use mine at least once a week. I look at this forum as a support group for Q-aholics.....
Former Member
My name is Raider Bill and I'm a Q-aholic!
I'm Ray 'teller from the "Deep Creek" section of Chesapeake, Va. I retired 4/2/01 from the IBEW (43 years) and Ford Motor co (30 years. I started @ FORD as an Electrician and worked the last 12 years as a Safety Engineer.
I've been lurking on this site for about 3 yrs. Really impressed with all the assistance that you guys (& Gals) offer. I made my mind up last year that the only smoker for me would be a Cookshack, but never could justify the Cost.
This past Friday ( my 64 th B-day) I stopped in a local pool & Hot tub dealer. They were closing out on their Grill section. They had a slightly used 008 model for $400.00. I went home, and after some thought, called them back and asked if they would take $350 for it. After discussion w/the owner they called & said "come get it. Cleaned it & it looks brand new! Hope to go to BJ's tomorrow & get smokin shortly.
I've been lurking on this site for about 3 yrs. Really impressed with all the assistance that you guys (& Gals) offer. I made my mind up last year that the only smoker for me would be a Cookshack, but never could justify the Cost.
This past Friday ( my 64 th B-day) I stopped in a local pool & Hot tub dealer. They were closing out on their Grill section. They had a slightly used 008 model for $400.00. I went home, and after some thought, called them back and asked if they would take $350 for it. After discussion w/the owner they called & said "come get it. Cleaned it & it looks brand new! Hope to go to BJ's tomorrow & get smokin shortly.
Former Member
My Nickname is Mango
My home is on the Island of Maui, married 15 Years, occupation chief building engineer (read Mr. fit-it) I have lived on Maui 19 Years grew up in San Francisco.
I like to woodwork, snorkel/dive spearfish BBQ, cook and not cook insert Sashimi; you can find me in our Institute�s kitchen watching the Chefs work. Tumbling product marinating and smoking in their double pot lil smokehouse. They told me I was an idiot for buying a smoker when they have one here just two floors down I can use anytime.
We {wife and I} bought an electric bullet 5 Years ago; I have used it 5 times. My boss is a resident as well and I know he would frown on gas or fire on our Lanai. Even though it is 6� concrete all around (he�s weird
) Well I was wrong he frowned on the electric too actually the smoke. He lives 5 floors up and he did not like it. He rules period.
Well He retires July and I am going to celebrate with a new BETTER smoker.
I am in the process of purchasing a smoker and CookShack is the model I have decided on.
The price of the Cookshack smokers is a little hard to handle at first but all the talk and loyalty sold me (been looking at the site about 1.5 years even received literature 1.5 years ago and 1 Month ago. When I finally decided FINE! Now do I need the 008 or the 50 that was! my last hurdle, I really did not want to sell myself short on the 008 when it came to capacity. Up until 3 weeks ago that was my "only� dilemma.
However! Yet another dilemma, No its not the shipping of the smoker, I assume it does not arrive in a plain wrapper. I had a friend agree that I could ship it to his residence. To avoid suspicion on my bosses part J
It is the fact that Smoke Shack has developed the end all of all smokers the Ron popeil version of set it and forget it. For a beginner that is such a selling point into the mystery of perfect smoking. It has almost removed all the fear of it.
. Sheesh okay I swallowed possibly $800.00 for a smoker to now a possible $1,500.00 and a very upset wife.
Cannot life be just be a wee bit less stressful, you know! Two Months if you just could have waited two Months to announce the birth of a new smoker
I have entered the contest so I shall manage to wait a little while longer to know the results.
I have read almost all the posts in all the folders concerning the CS models back to July 1, 2001 great information and mouth-watering recipes. Learned a lot and seen pictures of the 008 and 50 loaded. Many of my questions have been answered and recent e-mails have answered a few others.
Being a person whom purchased a Unisaw and a very large 16� band saw. Decided the 50 is overkill I mean the right option (If and only if I decide not to go for it the new no name model you know the larger better equipped new model (thanks again) what�s life without indecision and stress.
Thanks for reading the very long first post, if you spread it out over 1.5 years it is not all that long.
One I did not find covered.
Can you cold smoke meats [rib eyes, burgers store bought dogs & sausage�s] for black skillet cooking? If yes how do you do it?
& Aloha Ke Akua
My Nickname is Mango
My home is on the Island of Maui, married 15 Years, occupation chief building engineer (read Mr. fit-it) I have lived on Maui 19 Years grew up in San Francisco.
I like to woodwork, snorkel/dive spearfish BBQ, cook and not cook insert Sashimi; you can find me in our Institute�s kitchen watching the Chefs work. Tumbling product marinating and smoking in their double pot lil smokehouse. They told me I was an idiot for buying a smoker when they have one here just two floors down I can use anytime.
We {wife and I} bought an electric bullet 5 Years ago; I have used it 5 times. My boss is a resident as well and I know he would frown on gas or fire on our Lanai. Even though it is 6� concrete all around (he�s weird

Well He retires July and I am going to celebrate with a new BETTER smoker.
I am in the process of purchasing a smoker and CookShack is the model I have decided on.
The price of the Cookshack smokers is a little hard to handle at first but all the talk and loyalty sold me (been looking at the site about 1.5 years even received literature 1.5 years ago and 1 Month ago. When I finally decided FINE! Now do I need the 008 or the 50 that was! my last hurdle, I really did not want to sell myself short on the 008 when it came to capacity. Up until 3 weeks ago that was my "only� dilemma.
However! Yet another dilemma, No its not the shipping of the smoker, I assume it does not arrive in a plain wrapper. I had a friend agree that I could ship it to his residence. To avoid suspicion on my bosses part J
It is the fact that Smoke Shack has developed the end all of all smokers the Ron popeil version of set it and forget it. For a beginner that is such a selling point into the mystery of perfect smoking. It has almost removed all the fear of it.
. Sheesh okay I swallowed possibly $800.00 for a smoker to now a possible $1,500.00 and a very upset wife.

I have entered the contest so I shall manage to wait a little while longer to know the results.
I have read almost all the posts in all the folders concerning the CS models back to July 1, 2001 great information and mouth-watering recipes. Learned a lot and seen pictures of the 008 and 50 loaded. Many of my questions have been answered and recent e-mails have answered a few others.
Being a person whom purchased a Unisaw and a very large 16� band saw. Decided the 50 is overkill I mean the right option (If and only if I decide not to go for it the new no name model you know the larger better equipped new model (thanks again) what�s life without indecision and stress.
Thanks for reading the very long first post, if you spread it out over 1.5 years it is not all that long.
One I did not find covered.
Can you cold smoke meats [rib eyes, burgers store bought dogs & sausage�s] for black skillet cooking? If yes how do you do it?
& Aloha Ke Akua
Former Member
I'm jtl398...been a cookshack owner for 2 years and have often said "it's the best investment I've ever made"! (other than the kids and the wife of course)
Former Member
Another Arky? Wow!

Former Member
I'm Ed and have been smoking on a Weber smoker for years. I acquired my Smokette last year and put the Weber on the Back-Burner. In my opinion, if it ain't smoked, it ain't worth eat'n.
Hi all, I am HYPNOCHUCK, I am a professional national and international entertainer (Hypnotist)I just returned fron Japan and Saudi Arabia here I was entertaining U.S. Military Troops, (a very Great honor for me)
I have been smoking for a couple of years but only with charcoal and wood,
I wanted an electric smoker and after much research I purchased the CS 55 just the day befor yesterday, it isnow in transit to my home in San Diego, and will arrive on May 11,05.
I found this forum and have been reading it almost non=stop for two days. There is SOOOOO much info here it is unbelievable. I hope to become friend with many of you in the future.
You can see my web page at www.ChuckMilligan.com
if the board allows me to post my site
I am axniously awaiting the arrival of my CS 55
Best to all, HypnoChuck
I have been smoking for a couple of years but only with charcoal and wood,
I wanted an electric smoker and after much research I purchased the CS 55 just the day befor yesterday, it isnow in transit to my home in San Diego, and will arrive on May 11,05.
I found this forum and have been reading it almost non=stop for two days. There is SOOOOO much info here it is unbelievable. I hope to become friend with many of you in the future.
You can see my web page at www.ChuckMilligan.com
if the board allows me to post my site
I am axniously awaiting the arrival of my CS 55
Best to all, HypnoChuck
Former Member
I feel smokey, very smokey..... 

CUTE, RaiderBill, real Cute, Ha Ha
P.S. You may want to check out the "tag-line" of my post,... I can get ya from Calif buddy.
Just kidding of course, Thanks for the acknowledgement, I have read many of your post and find them entertaining and helpful, Thanks
P.S. You may want to check out the "tag-line" of my post,... I can get ya from Calif buddy.
Just kidding of course, Thanks for the acknowledgement, I have read many of your post and find them entertaining and helpful, Thanks
Former Member
I trained at Coronado in the early 70's 

Hey RaiderBill , SEAL???,
I carried a rubber boat all over that base at Amphibious Recon School in 69, WE are talkin ANCENT history here ya know, HypnoChuck
I carried a rubber boat all over that base at Amphibious Recon School in 69, WE are talkin ANCENT history here ya know, HypnoChuck
Former Member
yep, Technology is still the same, they are still humping them up and down the Strand!
Welcome home Brother!
Welcome home Brother!
Former Member
Hello! My name is Mike. I live in southern Illinois the land of no oportunity! We have great fishing, camping and of course good BBQ! But no jobs! I have been a advid BBQer/Smoker for over 35 years. Best hobby in the world. I just bought a SM008 to give her a try. I have been a member for a short time but man is their a lot of fine people on this site. A great informational base too. Thanks for letting me join in the BBQ games!
Hey Mike. I live in So. Illinois and I have a job. Maybe you could open a Truck inspection, auto parts, marine sales business? Or teach school?
Former Member
We're always looking for Auto mechanical inspectors nationwide?
Former Member
I'm so intimidated. I am just a BBQer with aspirations of enjoyment.
I look forward to learning more.
I look forward to learning more.
Former Member
Hi all John from southeastern Ohio. Iv'e been thinking about a CS for a couple years have had an electric smoker for a while but finaly took the plunge and ordered an 008 that I just received last week. So far have done a shoulder,jerky and a brisket. They all turned out excellent. The brisket just came of last night and it was the best I've ever had. I'm hooked!!!!
Former Member
I'm Steve from Ames, Iowa. I got my CS 008 about 2 1/2 weeks ago from Cabelas. I bought it because I never have time to tend a fire anymore. I figured what good is a smoker which never gets used. Now I can try different stuff without having to commit an entire day to the process. Now I spend all day and night on the internet checking out recipies and getting advice. My wife thinks I'm surfing for porn. It might be because when she asked what I was doing I told her I was looking at some "big racks" and "nice butts." Do you think I should have told her it was all BBQ?????
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